Remembering is hard.

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It's not that hard to believe that all of them would forget me. I mean, I was just a girl in Jorel's and Jordon's highschool, and in the same grade. I could hardly remember any other people in our school and grade. To me, the 6 guys just stood out in a way..

They've changed a lot. Tattoos now cover their bodies and most of them smoke now. Especially Dylan. Jordon, out of all the people is the one with a drinking problem. They all drink, but it seems as if he drinks more than all of them in the band. Jorel had gages now, and they cut their long hair except for Matthew. They used to be friendly around me, but who knows? Maybe they just did it because that's how boys were.

Anyways, I'm Tamera. I've worked at more than a million music departments, but all of them don't seem to work out. I worked with Howard Stern in his place for awhile, setting up the microphones and plugging cords in for things, etc.. It was a nice job, I mean, more than 20 dollars an hour for a collage student was the Jack pot. Then, one day, Howard decided to let me go. Maybe it was the way I acted or maybe it was just because I was doing a "lousy job".

I found another job a couple months ago with the radio station "Octane". I got along with the others really well, mostly because they listened to the kind of music I listened to. The only way I got into the place was because of Vincent, or Vinny, my friend that works for them.

But I didn't know it was going to be temporary.

When I get to the radio department, which is suspiciously not blaring with music to where the walls are shaking. Instead, it was silent, everyone took their headphones off and stood up. Rebecca, a short stocky lady with blonde and black hair stared at me as I hung my stuff up on the hangers.

Vinny comes hobbling into the room with his fake left leg. Let's just keep it short and simple; he had the stub since he was born. Back to reality, the manager comes striding in behind him, bumping into him on accident and almost knocking him over.

"Listen, you can't do this! This is so ridiculous!" Vincent caught his balance.

"We have to," the manager, I totally forgot his name, walks up to me, "we're letting you go, Tamera."

"What?! Why?" I ask, totally devastated. He told me that I was the best employee here besides Vinny.

"My idiot aunt told me if I don't let my cousin work here, she'd sue me."

"So out of all the people, you choose me?" I ask, he nods, and I point at sally, "Why not her? She hardly does anything."

"Okay, there is a proven point to fire you." The manager says.

I groan, "Why me?"

"Trust me, we want you. But there are more jobs out there better than this that have open spots."

Vinny looks at me. I roll my eyes, pack up my stuff and start to leave the department. Vincent followed me out.

"He's right, Tamera." He states. I ignore him and throw everything in my car.

"Wow, thanks."

"No really. You will be surprised who wants you."



It pissed me off on how we lost an amazing manager and a vocalist in one night. Plus Aron decided to get his ass kicked by Jorel. J-Dog didn't want to, since Aron was one of his best friends. Aron started the fight. We wouldn't have hated him if he didn't say those f*cking things about all of us.

It's changed my opinions about Deuce. To me, he used to be a brother, friend, funny and friendly cocky son-of-a-bitch you've ever seen. But now.. He's nothing but a cocky, selfish bastard that thinks he could do everything on his own.

Then the manager had to leave with him. It's going to be a challenge to look for a manager who wants to manage an alternative rock band.

As I thought of this, I walked down LA with an earbud in one ear. Thousands of people passed, people riding bikes and skate boards to people walking in their $100 shoes.

That's when I bumped into the girl. Blonde hair, bright blue eyes. She looked familiar.

"Hey George. Long time no see?" She giggle. I saw her in New York on tour. But there was somewhere else I've seen her..


"You're a funny little shit." I chuckle, ruffling her hair, just like I did to the others her age. It was Tamera! She's changed a whole lot. Damn, she was sexy.

"How is everything?" She looked up at me.

"Not so good. We kicked Deuce out and the manager decided to quit. Only because Jorel and Aron got in fist fight. Plus she was seeing Aron." She turns and walks with me.

"What? No way!"

"Yes way. Anyways, what about you?"

"I lost my job at the radio station." She sighs.

"That sucks balls."

Tamera chuckles lightly.

"Could I possibly have your number?" I ask, not even thinking about what I said.

"Uh.." She looks at me awkwardly, but then tears a piece of paper from her satchel and scribbled on it, handing it to me.

"Well, I gotta go." She says quietly, and she turns back around and walks down the street.

Im Just A TeddyBear (hollywood undead) ~J-dogWhere stories live. Discover now