Chapter 2 (edited)

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^someone's p. o.v^

I fuckin hate chemistry! I can't stand it for real!

And right now the so me is sitting in chemistry class paying absolutely no attention cuz he doesn't understand a single word!

Sitting next to me were my best friends
Yunho and Yeosang, without them I wouldn't have beard school!

Lemme introduce myself to u.
I'm choi san, a young alpha who seriously hate two things, number one chemistry, and number two pineapple pizza...

So please, don't ever push especially these two things in front of me...

Oh I forgot to tell u, my two besties are betas, and they both are happily mated, they have been loving each other's since they were kids, they barely made it to the age 16, and then immediately they became mates, these two are superly peaceful, u would never hear about a problem with them...
^sighs^ I wish I can find my one too...

As I was lost in my thoughts, the class' door opened revealing someone behind it, a person whom I didn't know would tear the hell out of my life out later on...

Stood there a well-built tall alpha, with red hair and sharp piercing eyes.

I don't know what happened, but I couldn't take my eyes off the person in front of me.
I didn't even pay attention to the teacher talking to him

My guts kept pushing me to look at him until I was broke out of my thoughts by someone

" hey u boy, where have you been?"
Yunho said looking at me
I cleared my thoughts and shook my head,

"Nothing, I just wanna get out of here for real," I said dramatically and yunho laughed at my behavior,
"Choi san, Jung yunho, u will be joining song mingi in detention!. "
Fuck whatt??!

No no no no no, I can't sit here any longer!
I looked at yunho almost crying, he smiled pitifully at me,
Lemme add a thing to the list of my dreaded things, Mr. Kim woolin.
The chemistry teacher. Yeah, I hate him too now.

So here's my fate, detention, wait who's song mingi? I don't remember this name before...
" pstt! Yeosang!.. who's song mingi?"
"Bro, it's the boy that just entered and got detention for being late"
Woah he got detention? I didn't hear that.. why tho...

^ in detention ^

^author's p.o.v^

Mingi sat there dreading his time inside, he almost had a fight today then he got a detention for no particular reason!
He sat there expecting the worst to happen yet...
he just played with his phone till the time is over,

On the other hand, san and yunho were in their own world, yunho was surely thinking about his mate I mean why not...

While san was trying to mind his own business and not look at that mingi guy like he is the last one on earth...

When he was expecting the least, san heard mingi saying a thing to him
" yo man, u saw the new omegas today? "
Woah, that's the first time san really paid attention to his voice, it was deeper than the ocean,

"Ehm, mmm no ?"

"Tsk boring"
And just like that, he looked back at his phone

Why was he asking about them? Anyways, san never paid attention to omegas that much, it's not like he didn't like them, but he never really thought about it, he doesn't know why tho.

^ end of detention ^

^time skip at yunsang house ^

Everyone was seated peacefully on the couch, watching tv,

They happen to like the new series that came out 2 months ago,

The yunsang was peacefully watching it while cuddling
But san didn't have the intention of having mingi in his head instead,

^ san's p.o.v^

I looked at my right to see the couple having their own fluff time beside me
How cute I thought

I looked back at the tv, but every time I try to focus, I see him, it feels so weird and I tried to push it but no success.

I felt my phone vibrates in my pocket, I took it out and saw a message from my mom telling me to get back as it was urgent,
" guys I have to excuse myself, my mom wants me back home"

"Oh, it's fine san, take care," said Yeosang,

I gave them both a hug and then left

^at san's house^

When I reached the house, something felt off about it, I dunno what happened, I opened the door seeing no one inside
"Mom? Dad?"

No answer.

I went to the backyard to find my mom sitting there beside the fountain crying.

Oh crap

I ran to set beside her
" momma? What's the matter???!"
She only hugged me and cried harder.

" y-your dad, h-he left m-me" she finished sobbing harder while clinching into her sides
I was left shocked.... how could he?
"He broke our mating bond saying he doesn't love me anymore, and he doesn't want anything with us or u, and he - Ahhhh!!" She didn't get to finish as she dropped to the ground her mating mark started to glow and the veins in her neck were popping out

I panicked not knowing what to do so I carried her inside to her room, then placed her on the bed, she was shaking and crying, it's my first time seeing my own mom like this! And it fuckin hurts, I felt the sudden urge to scream and punch the wall but I need to calm down so I can help her.
I don't know how...

I called yunho to see if he can help

"San? What's wrong?! why u crying!?"
"I need ur help please get here!"
"I'm already there!"
He hanged up and within a min, he was knocking at my door, no wonder since we live in the same neighborhood,
"What the fuck happened!!"

I couldn't talk so I just took his hands and went back to my mom's room

"Oh lord what happened to her!" Yeosang said as he ran to her side

I started explaining everything to them

" We need special herbs! But, the main pack forest is far from the city, we need to take a quick trip there!" Said yunho

"I can't leave her alone here yunho"
"it's too dangerous if we took her with us san, we can ask a neighbor to look after her.." finished Yeosang.

I looked back at my mother, she was totally broken, I'm not sure if she is gonna make it...
I couldn't be there for her, I wasn't the alpha she would rely on!.
My knees went weak and I dropped to the floor hugging my knees

Yunho and Yeosang were quick to be by my side

"It's ok honey, everything is gonna be fine, Yeosang, go ask Mrs lee to sit with her, she has always been her friend "
Yunho said


^ after an hour^

We packed everything we would need in our trip, left the house, and kept walking for a while until we were close to the legal areas of shifting,

We then shifted into our wolves and ran straight to the main pack forest

I looked back for a sec and let out a broken howl then went to follow my friends...


Hey babies ❤
Here's ur chapter ❤
I hope u guys like it, comment yr thoughts ❤🍭


Word count: 1250

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