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Hey loves, I'm really sorry for not updating as i promised, I'm struggling too much with depression and anxiety, my other disorders aren't keeping me safe too, couldn't count how many times i get panic attacks during the same day and how much my head is full of suicidal thoughts,  I'm not able to sleep without a heavy aching heart,

I'm sorry for not being the best author, but I'm here struggling to stay alive when there's lots if shit happening to me mentally,  my work is stressing me too like it's not helping at all, my relationship with everyone is being affected, 

I hope i can recover from all of this, i keep telling myself that i will finish the chapter i have in draft but writing down something is making me all confused, i appreciate your patience and loyalty,  i hope i can update soon, i love this book and you have no idea how much ideas in my head i had for it but i just can't write it down at the current time,

Please be patient with me, and wish me to be healthy,

Love you all 💜

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