Chapter 14

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Credit to the owner..

^at wonderland pack^

^author's p.o.v ^

Jongho was doing his normal patrol around the pack in his wolf form.

He liked doing patrols. It made him manage his overthinking and stress.

Paul depended on him on doing most of the important work, he remembers him telling him once

"U would make a perfect head alpha son! I really wish for u to have your own pack with your chosen mate.."

He thinks about his words a lot..
Jongho doesn't see the potential of him being a head alpha. A leader.
He was an orphan.. and he is armed in an important position in the pack.. he cant be an heir to anyone,and he cant leave his job..

He sometimes wish he had a family..
Parents who loved him unconditionally and guided him through life struggles.
He had to go through everything by himself, he did lots of mistakes and messed up a lot.

He hurted himself in order to learn..
He wished there was someone to warn him.

He wished he belonged somewhere, he wished he had someone to belong to.
He felt lost all the time.

He doesn't even know anything about his birth parents.

Where were they from?
How he lost them?
Did he had brothers or sisters?
Were they alphas?betas? Or omegas?

He doesn't know anything .
He doesn't have any memory of them..
Except for the locked necklace that was around his neck when he was delivered in wonderland pack.
He was a newborn.
When u open The necklace it had a sign on it..
It was a strange sign no one knowed what it meant or have seen before
a snake inspired by yin and yang.

It has to mean something..

Jongho always felt that there was a secret behind him..
And that if he tried to find it.. things are gonna get bad...
When he was about to finish his last patrol in the yard behind the castle.

He saw his favorite person in the whole world..
Prince hongjoong.
He was setting under a tree reading a book peacefully
He had the softest smile on his face that made jongho's heart do rollercoasters.
He noticed that he was alone without guards and was worried something might happen to him

So He shifted back into his human form walking towards him to guard him.

Every step he took towards him made him even more nervous than he already was.
He felt his foot getting heavier as he got closer.

It wasn't his first encounter with the prince, he often guarded him when it was the time for the prince's patrol training .
But he didn't have a proper conversation with him..
He is always shy and clumsy around the bubbly and cheerful beta..

When he was close enough to him he bowed to him and said

"sorry to interrupt u my prince, but i found u all by yourself , i came to guard u "

Hongjoong looked up from his book with scanning eyes for a split second and closed his book.

He smiled warmly at jongho and said
"Thanxx jongho.. i actually came here to be by myself.. "
Jongho bowed to him embarrassed from himself offering to guard him when he wanted to be alone.

He was about to turn around when hongjoong said
"But i can use some company, u can sit with me " he finished patting the spot next to him
Jongho looked at him flustered and cleared his throat .

"Pardon me my prince but-"

"Don't make me say its an order choi.. u know i hate formalities.."

Jongho looked at him for a moment and sat beside him.. not too close cuz he is still the prince and if anyone saw them he will have his head beside him..

Hongjoong laid his head on the tree behind him and was looking at jongho in a way that he didn't understand.
Jongho looked away with a blush from the intense staring his prince was giving him..
He heard hongjoong chuckle

"U r hard to read jongho.. but that what makes me wanting to read u even more.."
He looked at him confused
Why would the prince want to read me..

"Im sorry i didn't get what u mean.."

"I wanna know u jongho, i wanna be friends with u, u really interst me "

Jongho was red like a tomato right now..
The prince wants to be his friend?!
That can't be serious..

"Ahh.. i don't know if that's right.. im just-"

Hongjoong cut him mid sentence by placing his hand on top of his..

Jongho's eyes widened at the encounter..
It was too much for him in one day..
He doesn't wish for more.

"Its ok jongho, u know i don't treat people as prince and servants.. we are all the same , we all gonna die at the end leaving all of our treasury. We all gonna be the same so it really doesn't matter .."

Jongho felt a warm feeling inside him as he looked at the love of his life speaking like a nightingale

He nodded looking down with a shy smile

"So tell me about u jongho.. i wanna know everything "

Jongho was lost in his thoughts trying to find a suitable answer ..

" I... im an orphan, i was brought in here when i was a newborn, that's all i know about my past.. "
Hongjoong looked at him with sad eyes

"Im sorry..." he said with his head down feeling sorry for the boy in front of him

"OH NO DONT BE MY PRINCE!" Jongho exclaimed as he mindlessly out of habit put a hand under hongjoong's chin to lift his head up.
He then realized what he was doing and felt the blood in his body drain..

It was hongjoong's turn to blush as he smiled shyly at jongho and looked the other way..

" so why aren't u mated yet? U deserve to have your own pack."
Asked hongjoong as he was looking seriously at jongho.

" i haven't found anyone yet.. and im not sure about creating my own pack.."

"Why?! I think u would make a perfect head alpha." He said blushing slightly at his own thoughts.

"Why does everyone believe in this?!"

" i guess cuz maybe its the truth.. who knows"

They kept chatting afterwards about everything and anything, finding lots of common things between them ...


Sorry if this wasn't a lot or what u expected, im just going through lots of shit , i tried my best to focus on writing this chapter..

Word count :1076

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