Chapter 13

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^author's p.o.v ^

Seonghwa was walking furiously out of the building
He didn't know where he was going , he just want to scream his lungs out from the pain he is feeling,

He kept walking mumbling curses at the existence of song mingi

He reached a cliff he didn't know that it was there ,
U see the whole forest underneath u

The cold breeze was hitting him everywhere it felt so refreshing, the smell of the fresh and damp green forest can cure all ur problems.

He sat cross legged, closed his eyes letting all of his tears fall

How could wooyoung do that ?

Let's say he is fine with him trying to make him jealous...
But mingi!!

Mingi out of all people!!

He hugged his legs and continued sobbing

His heart was aching badly, he really loves wooyoung, he cant live without him, he is the only one that got his heart beating like crazy whenever he do anything.
He wants to call him his but is to afraid of everyone around him. The society just sucks he wish he can leave

And now he is stuck here in this stupid war , they dont even know what caused it!

Ill find out why we are here!
He mentally noted for later.

^san's p.o.v ^

I kept tossing on the bed not being able to sleep .
Being in the same room as him would be the last thing id wanna do..
Ill add it to my list..

Giving up trying to sleep i sat up sighing heavily,
I looked at the time seeing its 3:30 in the morning,
Everything was quite,
The only sound that could be heard was mingi's soft breaths.

I looked at him.. he looked strangely peaceful.. something he surely wasn't while awake..
He was hugging his pillow and mumbling some words i didn't hear..

I ignored him and stood up , deciding to talk a walk outside

I left the building and tried to find a place that would be good for chilling.

I hugged my hoodie tighter as it was a little cold..

I kept on walking untill i found a nice cliff . The view looked so peaceful something i really need right now

I heard some sniffling, now i noticed a boy setting there crying..

I think he is an omega by his sweet lemon smell

I took quite steps towards him and sat beside him

I cleared my throat notifying him that there is someone here with him.
He slowly raised his head looking at me with bloodshot eyes
I smiled sweetly at him.

"Im sorry if i bothered you, i came for some fresh air.. but u look so messed up, u want me to help u ?"

^author's p.o.v ^

"Im sorry if i bothered you, i came for some fresh air .. but u look so messed up, u want me to help u?"

San finished with a warm smile not wanting the omega to feel threatened by the presence of an alpha with him.

Seonghwa eyed him from head to toe before moving aside to give him space to sit.

Even though its a cliff and there was plenty of space..

San sat beside him eyeing him cautiously. Something about him felt familiar..

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