Chapter 30

71 7 37

^ red moon pack ^

"Hey hwa! Oh, where's wooyoung?!" Wondered yunho hugging the omega when he entered the room

" well I don't know I came here and he wasn't in the room, he might be walking in the forest or something. "

" oh, okay try calling him ill call san we have some news we want to tell you guys!" Yunho chimed side hugging his mate...

"What is yeosang pregnant again? Lol" seonghwa laughed liking his sarcasm.

"Ayyy you don't take anything seriously?!" Pouted yunho wanting to tease the omega

" no baby why would I be serious, be a clown for a clear skin.. this is why I'm this pretty" he finished flicking his hair

"Just call wooyoung!" Yunho rolled his eyes laughing.

Seonghwa reached for his phone, he dialed wooyoung's number but the omega didn't answer

" that's weird he'd always pick up quickly with a loud ' heyyy darlinggg ', Oh my god who kidnapped him?!"
Seonghwa panicked, yeosang was quick to his side calming him

"It's ok seonghwa, maybe he didn't hear it, call him again. "

Seonghwa dialed his number once again this time the line was on after 3 rings

Mingi entered his room after exhaustion took over him, he was running for a good amount of miles trying to clear his thoughts,

He found the room empty and guessed that san went out.

He was about to enter the bathroom to shower when he heard a phone ringing

He looked around the room trying to find the source of the sound

He looked on san's bed and saw a phone ringing but as far as he knew that wasn't san's phone

He ignored the phone heading to his closet to pick a pajama

The phone went off once again.
He groaned picking the phone from the bed

He raised his eyebrow reading the caller's name ^ The one and only^

Lol who is it and whose phone is it...

He picked up pressing the phone into his ear

" Wooyoung! Where the fuck are you and why you're not picking up your phone?!" He heard a familiar voice that made him smirk.
Seonghwa sounded worried which was a little weird to mingi
So this is wooyoung's phone .. he thought

" Sorry to surprise you but this is not wooyoung, you probably guessed it anyways."

Seonghwa's eyes widened when he heard the voice he despised the most

His heart pounded in anger in his chest.
Seonghwa shouted scaring yeosang
Yunho looked at him in worry, he was by seonghwa's side immediately

Mingi chuckled, he was indeed having fun by this

" calm your titties kitten, he's safe and sound, for now, I guess, and why I'm having his phone, I guess he should tell you why he was here in my room.. bye babe." The alpha hung up laughing at the thought of seonghwa thinking that wooyoung was with him in the room.

Seonghwa threw the phone furiously on his bed screaming in anger

He screamed getting all furious with a red face and glowing periwinkle eyes.

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