Chapter 19

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I don't know why I'm sharing my feelings with anyone actually.. but anyways u don't deserve to wait because my depressed ass is hating itself...

Here's ur chapter:>) I hope I did it well, pardon me if there's anything stupid with it my brain barely focuses nowadays lol..

^red moon pack^

^author's p.o.v ^

"Aghhh! I'm too sweaty! I'll go take a bath, the bathtub is for me!" Wooyoung said as he left hwa at the building entrance and ran straight to their room to catch the tub before him

"Hey yah! Don't run like that you will smash into a wall!" Seonghwa yelled running after the omega
He climbed the stairs in a hurry worried about the omega,
it was a matter of a minute when he reached their room, he found the door wide open, hearing the sound of wooyoung's voice singing inside the bathroom made the butterflies in his stomach do a tornado.
He entered seeing wooyoung's clothes everywhere on the bathroom floor, the omega was lying in the bathtub closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of the water, with bubbles giving him even more cuteness than he already was..

Seonghwa smiled at wooyoung and stripped with a smirk already having an idea

Wooyoung felt the water around him do waves he opened his eyes seeing a naked seonghwa joining him in the tub.
Wooyoung screamed and splashed water at seonghwa as he sat in the tub
"What the fuck u think u doing!!"
"Taking a bath?"
"You could have used the shower why are u sitting here with me!! I said it's only mine !!"
Seonghwa chuckled at the pouty cute omega in front of him.

He leaned forward getting closer to the omega.

"I know Your Majesty, now lemme help u clean up" he grabbed the hair conditioner squirting some on his hands his gaze never leaving the blushing one in front of him. He was slowly massaging wooyoung's head while still looking at him, Wooyoung's time stopped as he was lost in seonghwa's periwinkle eyes, his fingers worked their magic on his head relaxing him to the limit. Seonghwa's fingers slowly slid to his shoulders
" turn around sweetheart."
He whispered in his ears sending shivers down his spine, wooyoung gulped as he carefully turned his body around sitting cross-legged
Seonghwa's hands were moving smoothly and aimlessly on his shoulders massaging him

"U feel better?" He whispered again in his ears this time with his body just one centimetre away from wooyoung's back.
Wooyoung nodded his head like a kid making seonghwa chuckle, he then pressed a certain spot on the boy's neck making him moan in pleasure.
Wooyoung smacked his lips realizing what he just did, his eyes were as wide as the saucers.

" oh c'mon babe, you're not that innocent am I wrong?" He grabbed wooyoung's chin tilting his head to the side to make him look at him.
Hwa looked down at wooyoung with hidden eyes.
Seonghwa traced his fingers on the omega's lips studying their texture
"Let's wash u up, get up," he said as he stood up from the tub like nothing just happened, wooyoung was left looking around confused, hwa was already in the shower fixing the water

^This is how the bathrooms look like, ofc without the table and the food tray lmao..the lower half of the shower door is opaque..^

Wooyoung finally stood up walking slowly to the shower, hwa was in there washing himself enjoying the water while humming a song, he hesitated at first but joined the older inside the shower, after all, they are childhood friends its ok to shower together right?.

Seonghwa smiled at wooyoung as he grabbed a loofah and handed it to the younger wooyoung took it with shaking hands his mind still processing everything...

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