Chapter 17

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Its ateez's 3rd anniversary... i can't find words to say and include everything im feeling. I feel lots of emotions and im too proud of them and im proud and grateful that i chooseed them out of everyone else... its been 3 yrs since i found them .. ive known them in 4th October 2019.. right before their first anniversary.. i got to celebrate their first one and now im celebrating their 3rd. Im really blessed by them in my life without them i wouldn't have been here... wooyoung held a special place in my heart as he is my bias.. everyone has a special place since im ot8 in the first place.. but ive never found anyone that matches with me like wooyoung.. i love him more than an idol and its quite sad if u asked me.. i wish to debute one day to show them my love.. to have them know my existence.. I'll always keep loving them and supporting them cuz they are always there for me.. i love everyone and each one of them the same and i hope they are healthy and happy always..❤


^wonderland pack^

^author's p.o.v^

Hongjoong and jongho were still cuddling ..
Hongjoong was enjoying the moment when he felt jongho stand up with worry.

He looked up at him confused.

" im sorry.. but we need to get back.. its already late.. i cant risk u getting in trouble my prince. "

Hongjoong looked at him for a moment then stood up beside him.

They smiled at each other
He looks so cute
They both thought as they were looking into each other's eyes.

Jongho cleared his throat in embarrassment earning a giggle from hongjoong.
" we need to wash up first.. lets get back down to the river.. " jongho spoke up then shifted taking there clothes between his fangs , hongjoong following him.

When they reached the river hongjoong was quick to shift and jump in the water in excitement. He liked swimming at night , the water felt so calm to him as the moon shines on it. Jongho was looking at him with adoration and joined him after shifting.

He got closer to him not breaking eye contact, hongjoong was lost in his eyes that were shining underneath the moonlight. He inched closer and kissed him wrapping his arms around jongho's neck. The younger hugged him tighter as he deepened the kiss , it was full of passion. Just them enjoying the warmth of it.

Soon the pulled away , hongjoong wasted no time in splashing water over jongho's head , giggling at how cute and annoyed he looked like , he brushed the younger's red hair with his fingers showing his forehead.
He blushed feeling his guts drop at how handsome he looked like with wet hair pulled backwards.

Jongho washed their bodies until they were fresh enough and have no scent on them.

They got out of the water shifting back to their wolves so they wont feel cold until their bodies dry. They cuddled for a while enjoying their warmth , and when enough time left they shifted wearing there clothes starting to head back to the mansion.

Hongjoong was walking close to jongho feeling cold as his turtle neck sweater wasn't keeping him warm enough, when jongho noticed the discomfort of the beta he stopped and carried him hongjoong was looking at him confused

" wrap your legs and arms around me so u would feel warm . Ill carry u back home, u are already tired too. "
Jongho said gently blushing as usual.

Hongjoong smiled and nuzzled into the alpha's neck closing his eyes and smelling him , he hugged him tighter so he he wont fall.

The walk to the mansion was quiet, they remained silent enjoying every little bit of it. Who knows when will they get to spend time together again..

When they were starting to get closer to the mansion jongho stopped walking , he cant be seen carrying the prince like that..

SINFUL PASSION -ATEEZ WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now