Chapter 6 " warning "(edited)

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This chapter might be triggering to some people.


Mingi was shaking... he was sobbing harshly not believing himself...
His own brother died?!!
"NO NO NO NO!!" He shouted running out of the house to the boy's house, gasping for air once in a while from how hardly he was sobbing , he wants to get there asap before his brother kills himself...

When he made it to soul's house.... he freezed in his spot.. smell of blood and death was everywhere....
No he cant be late..he thought.

"KKEHOOO!" he shouted before running into the house, he tried to follow the scent ,leading him to a certain room... he stood there.. refusing to enter...afraid of what might be behind this door...
His heart was racing like a mad man.

He swallowed on his breath then turned the knob.. the door opened slowly, revealing two dead bodies.. the first belonged to a young boy, and the second....

Was kehoo's , he couldn't believe his own eyes, he walked slowly towards it , dropped on his knees..
He whispered not believing what he is seeing in front of him.
He touched his brother's face... fingers trailing down his bloody lips.
He then began to trimble , he suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs holding his brother tightly to his body
"NO MY BABY NOO!" He screamed painfully, his heart was shattering into million of pieces.

"No.." he sobbed quietly... not able to scream any longer...he kept holding his brother close to him... looking at him.. he doesn't want to take his eyes off of him.. this is the last time he will be looking at him... if he knew that yesterday is the last day he gonna see him, hear his voice..

He kept setting there for over two hours.. holding his brother and sobbing quietly.. this is the worst thing that can happen to anyone ..
He then stood up, leaving the room..
Now he is thinking of two things
One . Give his brother what he wants and bury him somewhere nice with his lover.
Two. Burn the whole house down with the bodies
and make everything disappear..

He decided he will do both..

He found a truck at the garage of the house.
He went upstairs, carried both dead boys and put them in the trunk..
He then grapped two containers of gasoline , poured them all over the house . When he finished he lighted up a match and let it drop to the floor. Burning the whole house in its way..
He went to the truck and gave the house a final look before making his way through the highway..

After a long ride, he reached a certain place..
It was by the beach.. him and his brother always liked to sit here when they were kids.. they liked to set on a certain huge rock watching the waves as they crash into each other..

He got out of the truck and got the bodies out of the trunk , he took the shovel with him..
He walked down to the beach.. reached their favourite spot , he put the bodies down on the sand, holding the shovel in his hands, he began digging into the sand , making space enough for two people.. to say he was uncontrollably sobbing while digging was an understatement . He almost couldn't see infront of him from the tears.
After what feels like forever, he finished. He dropped the shovel from his hands turning around looking at the bodies... he looked at soul for a while.. he cant help but feel that he is the one who did this to his brother.. he then looked at his brother for a while... this is the last time he will see him...
He carried both bodies and put them in their grave.
He putted back the sand on them . Completely burying them ..

After he finished. He dropped to the sand sobbing.. he is in too much pain over his brother.. he will never forgive himself that he couldn't protect his own little brother..
He kissed the ground where he is buried .. and weakly stood up .. he turned around and began walking to the truck.. he drove back to his house..

He went inside, with a numb face and body..

He took slow steps towards the living room.. not paying attention to the boy setting in there ..

" mingi! Man oh my god i couldn't believe what happened! I read the letter it looks like u dropped it here, i went to follow u to that address but i only saw a burning house what happened?!"

Lucas said to mingi while hugging him... he looked at mingi's broken and numb face...
"God... is he?"
He got an answer with a sobbing mingi clenching into him like its the last day on earth.

He was shocked from what is going on.

He took mingi to his bed and layed him down , sat beside him
" shhhh , its gonna be ok"
he shouted sobbing harder.
He began telling his best friend what had happened.. he then went to a deep sleep from the severe exhaustion...



I dunno why im doin this to myself 😭😭😭


Word count :870

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