Ch 2

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Ch. 2 *Adrian*

"Wait do you mean Celine?" That's when I feel a sharp pain in my arm. This little angle was pinching me, and it hurt like a bitch.

"Ok fine, I slept with Celine. You know thick curls, big pouty lips, hazel eyes, fat as-."

"Impossible," Sabrina rudely cuts me off, "last time we talked, she told me she was saving herself. Plus she would have told me."

"That's not I recall when I spread her legs out on her bed an-."

"STOP!" She shouts, "even if she didn't tell me, she wouldn't have slept with you. You're—" she gives me a once over "—Adrian."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sabrina opens her mouth, "actually I don't want to know."

A light laugh falls from my lips as I process what she just told me, "Isn't this sad? Your best friend slept with a guy you don't like and didn't tell you. Shit if Theo did that to me, I'd be pissed. More so at the fact he didn't tell me." She crosses her arms and looks away from me. For some reason seeing her like this is sickeningly satisfying.

"Oh and get this, we're still sleeping together. Remember the last time you two spoke, which was about 3 or 4 weeks ago? I was there! Right besides her in bed touching her and listening to every sweet word coming out of your mouth. Isn't that so cruel?" I gently caress her face before tilting her chin up with a single finger. Although there are tiny pools of water in her eyes, I can see the anger within them. For a second I regret my words, but then I remember all the stuff she's done to me. This may be wrong and Theo would be beyond furious if he heard, but seeing her like this is turning me on.

"In fact, after our little conversation here, Celine and I have a rendezvous—" The look on Sabrina's face was priceless. Anger, betrayal, sadness— I have to take a picture.

"Delete it," Sabrina demands as smacks my hand away from her and tries to grab my phone.

"—I would invite you, but I don't think you'd agree to a threesome. And it would be kind of weird if you just stood there and watched."

A blanket of silence covers us for a full two minutes before she opens her mouth, "I'm leaving," She tries snatching my flask but I move it just in time.

"Remember, we're upstairs if you want to join." I playfully shout at her. She flicks me off before disappearing into the sea of dancers.

Not even a minute later, Celine struts into the kitchen. With each exaggerated step she takes her peach curls and short shimmery dress rhythmically bounces along.

The easiest way to describe Celine is a fake Queen Bee, by Queen Bee I mean the typical "mean girl" in cheesy teen drama. Sure she's, manipulative, narcissistic, and spoiled, but most of it's a persona. I say "most" because she has the personality traits of a Queen Bee but just exaggerates them; she's not as manipulative or arrogant as she seems. Long story short, she tries to be a mixture of Regina George and Kathryn Merteuil, but it's a facade.

I'm not sure why she acts like this, but between you and me, I pretty sure having sociopaths as parents might be a reason.

"Celine you're early—"just like her dress, her skin was shimmering and glowing, must be the Fenty body thing she's been talking about, "—15 minutes early."

"Sabrina is back." She whispers as she drags me out of the kitchen.

"So? I thought you two were best friends."

"Yeah in back in like Middle School. Since then, I've changed, you've changed, she's changed, we've all changed. Plus I just saw you two."


"You think you hate each other, but it's obvious that you don't or whatever," She says as we enter second guest room, "once you two sleep together, she'll try to take you away from me."

"You don't know what we were talking about. Plus we aren't dating or even exclusive?" I ask as she slams the door shut. "And I don't like her," I quickly add.

"So if she came in here and begged you to fuck her, you wouldn't?" I roll my eyes at Celine's immaturity.

"I highly doubt Sabrina would ever do that."

"Would you or would you not?"

"Depends on if you'd sleep with Theo. Now back to my question,"

"I know we aren't dating or exclusive but Sabrina is a no."

"Why?" I ask. Celine rolls her hazel eyes and starts taking off my shirt, "Answer my question." I demand as I brush her hand away.

"Ugh fine. You can't sleep with Sabrina." Celine tries to come in for a kiss, but I turn my head.

"You just told me that and I'm asking why not."

"So you want to sleep with her."

"What? No, I just want to know why you are telling me who I can or can't sleep with when I never even tried to tell you."

"Let's just forget about that." She says, kissing the corner of my lips before stepping back.

I watch as her tiny dress seamlessly falls off her shoulders and drops to the floor like an enchanted waterfall.

"Adrian please," she whimpers, her voice full of desire and need.

I ignore the dirty thoughts in my mind and utter out, "Sex cannot be the solution to every problem Celine."

"But I want you inside of me Adrian—" almost instantly my heart drops and blood rushes straight down, "—I need you to fuck me."

Before I could even answer, her small hands unzip my jeans and begin slowly stroking me.

"Celine stop," I croak, gently pulling her hands off me, "I'm not in the mood."

"Excuse me," her voice was no longer soft and sensual but rather harsh and bratty.

"I said I'm not in the mood."

"You're telling me that with that," she points to my boner, "you're not in the 'mood'."

"Yes Celine, that's what I'm saying."

"Adrian, I standing right in front of you in the tiniest thong I own and you do not want to fuck me."

"Yes Celine, what don't you understand about what I'm saying? I don't want to sleep with you."

Her face looks hurt and humiliated as she grabs her dress, "see this is Sabrina's fault! That bitch had to come back and ruin our perfect harmony." I could see all the rage and hatred in her eyes as she ran out the door, slamming the door on her way out.

"It was your own fault," I mutter after she stormed out. For a minute, I stood there looking at the door, thinking about Celine's words.

"So if she came in here and begged you to fuck her, you wouldn't?" Would I? To be honest, I don't know. I dislike her, but she's very hot and sexy. So is my dislike for her strong enough to overpower her seduction? Again, I don't know.

I can't even imagine a scenario like that— it's completely out of her nature. But... if she did beg me, that's be super hot.

Sighing, I stretch my body before heading towards the bathroom.

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