Ch. 4

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Ch.4 || *Sabrina's POV*

"I need to make friends," I mutter as I fall back on to my bed after a nice nighttime bubble bath.

It's been a week since the graduation party and all I've really done is stay inside, sleep, and watch Netflix.

I don't really have a problem with doing nothing, it's just that I want to talk to another human being about the whole Adrian thing. I have been writing in my diary, but a human would be nice to talk to.

I thought about talking to Celine, but when I saw her last week at the mall and she completely ignored me. Just kept strutting along, as if I wasn't there. Also, it'd be really weird if I went up to her and was like "the guy you mess with just confessed that he can't stop thinking about me. What do I do?"

Last week, I tried FaceTiming my best friend Kiah , who lives in Switzerland, but I forgot that she was on the senior  no-electronics-excursion for a week and a half. So three more days left.

Also, I haven't talked to Adrian since the party. I actually didn't respond to his confession last week; I didn't know what the hell to say or do. I just ran my hands through his hair and said "wow".

Also, I don't have his number so...

I've been so confused over the past week. So does this mean he likes me? Do I like him? I can't really imagine us sleeping together let alone dating.

Sighing, I slowly bring myself upright and walk over to my closet. As I put on my favorite black satin shorts and a random t-shirt, someone loudly knocks on my door.

The only person who obnoxiously knocks like that is my older brother Cortell.

"What the hell do you want Cory?" I ask as I fling the door open.

"I'm not Cory." A deep voice monotonously responds.

The moment my eyes make contact with those familiar honey brown eyes, my heart races and a million questions run through my head.

"Adrian?" I ask in utter confusion, "why the hell are you in my house?"

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." He quickly responds with a pout which only makes me roll my eyes.

"What are you doing in my house?" I ask once more.

"What are you doing in my house?" He crudely mocks me. I don't sound like a dying balloon.

When I try shutting the door, he puts his foot in the way. "Sabrina, I'm sorry for annoying you." I don't care for his apology and I keep trying to shut the door, knowing his foot was in the way. "Sabrina that hurts." Adrian hisses out in pain.

"Then move your foot, and get out of my house."

"Technically this isn't your house it's your parents hou-" I push the door harder, "Ow! Ok! Sabrina please stop." He whispers. Come to think of it, he's been whispering this whole time.

"I won't stop until you've answered my question."

"Fine," he sighs, "Can I tell you inside your room? I don't want Cortell or Sophie to see me outside your door, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like it."

They probably won't care; I never said anything when they snuck people in.

Sighing, I release the door and step to the side. "Thanks Sabrina."

Before I shut and the door, I sneak a peak down the hall, making sure no one is near. Sure they won't care, but they'd have questions and I know I won't want to answer them.

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