Ch. 6

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Ch.6 || *Adrian*

I thought about waking Sabrina up before I left, but that would have been rude. So instead I wrote a note on a post it and placed it under her phone.

When woke up, I was feeling a bit adventurous and bold; I had this urge to leave through her window and climb down a tree. In the end, I decided to just go through the back door.

It's about 5:30 am, the sun is rising, the birds are chirping, and there's a gentle breeze. This, in my opinion, perfect serenity; no cars, no people, just nature.

It's about a 30 minute walk to my house from Sabrina's which gives me a lot of time to think about last night.

"I've thought about having sex with you since the party. Just a couple of things though."

I will never forget those words or that moment.

I won't forget the way she looked at me through her lashes and the way she bit her lip. They way her nipples were poking through her shirt and the way her shorts rode up.

She was turned on and I was turned on. Just thinking about it fires me up.

But we didn't do anything. We didn't end up kissing or touching; I really thought we'd be all over each other.

The night was still fun though. We ended up watching a couple movies and falling asleep in separate beds. She has a surprisingly comfortable pull out bed built into the wall.

Something else I can't forget is when she asked if I wanted to talk it. It being why I hate staying home. Honest to God, no one has ever asked me that question. I didn't answer because I didn't really want to think about it, but it was a kind gesture. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter. Who would have thought that Sabrina Diop is a kind person.

Speaking about my family. I wish I didn't have to go back. I hate living in that unnecessary large Mansion. As beautiful as it is, no matter how many people are in the house, you always feel lonely. Plus it's a lot of work getting from one end of the house to the other.

On the bright side, since it's huge, I don't have to constantly see my parents.

Suddenly my phone vibrates.

"Good morning Celine," I answer without looking at it. Last night she called me about 30 times and texted me 3 times that amount, it can't be anyone else.

"Adrian I've been calling you."

"Really? I couldn't tell." I mutter with no interest at all to what she has to say.

"I've called you so many times and you never answered." She was trying so hard to cover up the anger in her voice which she did a terrible job at.

"Didn't you stop and think 'maybe he's sleep?'"

"You were asleep?" I hate it when she does this. She'll drag a 2 minute conversation into a 15 minute convo by adding in these stupid fillers that make her seem stupid which she thinks is cute... it's not.

"I'm sorry Celine, stop acting like an airhead and get to the point."

"Fine, you don't have to be so rude."

"I wasn't trying to be rude, just get to the point."

"I don't have to do what you say."

"I never— Celine please just get to the point. You were blowing up my phone last night, clearly you have something important to ask me. So please just ask instead of doing to whole tiptoeing thing."

"Fine, because you want to know so fucking much—" finally, she drops the weird, innocent voice,"—I just wanted to know where you were."

I lightly chuckle, "this is a new one."

"What? I just wanted to know where you were last night."

"So the logical thing was to blow up my phone when I didn't answer?"

"You weren't answering so yes,"

"If you keep on blowing up my phone over trivial shit like that, then when something really happens to you I'm not going to answer because I'm going to assume it's over trivial shit."

"Whatever." Before I can even respond, she ends the call. I shove my phone back into my pocket and slightly shake my head. There's no way I was going to tell her I was at Sabrina's. She'd go batshit crazy and I'd never heard the end of it. Plus I don't want to get her the satisfaction of being right... well partially right I guess.


I've been standing above my father's passed out body for about 10 minutes. It's pretty hard to miss him given he's out cold in the middle of the foyer with a liquor bottle near by.

Some people think I look a lot like him, others think I look exactly like my mother. I don't know, I think I just look like a mixture of both of them. Crazy huh? Now, my older brother James, he's a complete photo copy of our dad. And my younger brother Emerson he's a photo copy of our mom.

"Adrian?" A soft voice calls my name. Standing on the last step is a little girl with long black hair in her favorite Hello Kitty pjs holding a blue stuffed puppy.

The puppy reminds me of Sabrina's pink dinosaur. That thing was so cute. I forgot to ask her where she got it, Sacha would love it.

"Sacha? What are you doing up this early?"

The 5 year old yawns and shrugs, "Daddy's on the floor again." She points out as she walks towards me.

As I look down at our father a pit of emptiness grows in my stomach. "Yeah he is."

Sacha crouches over our dad as if she's looking at ants,"Daddy wake up," she says in his ears, making sure to smack his face. In return he slightly groans and stirs.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh, "Sacha lets leave dad alone, mom and Mrs. Harper will help him."

"Ok," she mutters before standing and stretching her arms out, "uppy?"

I gladly pick up my baby sister as she asks me "Where did you go yesterday?"

"Where did I go?"

"I wanted you to read me a story, but you weren't in your room."

"Oh, I was at—" should I call her a friend? She's not my friend. Sabrina is not my friend, "I was watching a movie at someone's house."

"Not with Celine," Her devilish tone the same as James'. Their playful personality is something they share and took from our father.

I look over at the little girl in my arms. Her big brown eyes smiling as a sleek smirk grows on her face, "how'd you know that?"

"I have my ways."

"You have your ways? Do you know who I was with?" There's no way, no one in this house knows about Sabrina and I. Not that we are anything. Plus Sacha was a year or 2 old when Sabrina left. She doesn't know her.

"Nope, but not Celine."

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