Ch. 20

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Before we get into this next chapter, I just wanted to thank y'all for reading my book!!! I can't believe it hit 10k reads 😭😭! I started this book out of boredom like 4 yrs ago and never thought it'd even get 100 reads. Thank you all sooooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Also, your comments got me dying from laughter. Reading them makes my day!! ❤️❤️❤️

Ch. 20 *Adrian's POV*

"Do you know Kiah? Like, have you met her in person?" I ask Theo as we the terminal 1 roadway. Even though Sabrina's birthday was 3 days ago on Wednesday, her best friend, Kiah, is coming into town to surprise her and Theo asked if I wanted to go pick her up. So now I'm here at the airport with Theo.

"Not in person, but multiple times over video chat," he tells me as he calls her using the dashboard screen, "She should be outside 1F."

"Hello-" an American-accented voice comes over the speakers after a couple of rings. I was expecting her to have some sort of French accent. But I guess it makes sense that she doesn't, they did go to an International American school.

"Hey Kiah, are you outside?"

"Yeah I just got my bags and I'm outside of 1F near the light post. My bags as light purple." After hearing that, I concentrate on all the light posts and look for light purple suitcases near 1F.

"Ok, we're coming up to 1F in a silver Audi. Do you see us?"

Light blue


"No... I don't," she says, slightly dejected.

Polka dotted

Dark red

Light purple suitcase. Light post.

"Wait, I think I see her right in front of us." I point over in Kiah's direction, "look at the light post. Girl in the white sweater, black leggings."


"How many light purple suitcases do you see? Just pull over." Theo doesn't say anything in response and just pulls over to the nearest spot, which happened to be a few feet in front of Kiah.

We're at an extremely busy airport, so as soon as he parks, I hop out and jog over to Kiah. As I'm making my way toward her, my heart starts to race. I really want her to like me. Not like like, but like. I want her to think I'm... Cool? Cool as in chill. I want her to think I'm a chill person because I'm pretty sure if she hated me, Sabrina would go back to hating me as well.

"Kiah?" As soon as I call out her name, the girl I suspected to be Kiah turns around. When she looks at me, the first thing I notice are her starkly different color eyes. The left is clear blue, right is dark brown. Just like in the picture in Sabrina's room.

I think she's never seen me before, but there's a sly look of recognition on her face as she gives me a once-over. "You must be Adrian," she says, pulling me into a hug. Her powdery rose perfume embraced me and her soft coils tickled my chin.

After we break apart, I help carry her bags into the car and we drive off. During the entire car ride, we were talking, laughing, and having fun. It's almost like we've all known each other for years.

"So, my girl's birthday was on Wednesday," Kiah starts off, "so what'd you do for her on the actual day? What'd you give her already?"

My mind travels back to Wednesday. I did wish her a happy birthday via text, but I didn't plan on seeing or giving her anything. Yes, we've been spending more time together and I wanted to see her, but I didn't know if she would want to see me that day. I don't know what we are, so I didn't want to make things awkward. I just assumed she'd want to be with her close family and friends.

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