Ch. 10

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Ch. 10 *Adrian*

"Ok Adrian, why are you hitting the ball so hard?" Theo shouts from across the tennis court, "you know I suck at this shit. I only play because of your ass."

"Sorry," I shout back at Theo. He flicks me off before serving the ball back to me. After the ball lands on my side, I whack it back towards Theo.

"You did it again, asshole," he shouts as the ball whizzes past him. Instead of preparing to serve, he walks towards me with his racket and ball in hand. "What the fuck Adrian, I told you to go easy on me."

"I didn't mean to hit it that hard again," I mutter as I run my hand through my hair.

Theo narrows his eyes at me, "what's going on with you? Trouble in love paradise?" he paused for a second, " wait I think it's 'trouble in paradise' not 'love paradise'."

"Do you really want to know?" I ask as we walk towards the benches which are in the shade.

"Of course, I'm your best friend for a reason."

I raise my eyebrows at him and the smile on his face begins to falter. "Wait does this have to do with Sabrina?" 

"It does."

"You can still talk to me about her, you know I've always rooted for you two," he places a arm around my shoulder, "but she's still my cousin so you better keep what you say PG. She can do what she wants with you, I just don't want to know the rated R shit."

"I don't intend on sharing them with you, not that anything like that has happened."

"ANYWAYS, what going on that has you playing tennis like an Olympian?"

"Well..." over the next 5 minutes I give Theo a summary about the last week and a half, obviously cutting out the parts that would make us both uncomfortable to talk about.

"This situation is a lot messier than I imagined. I understand why Sabrina's confused. Imagine coming back home after multiple years and the person you didn't fuck with does a whole 180 switch during the same night. You start the night off on the same page, which is your mutual dislike. Then all of a sudden, you partially confess your attraction to her and start acting nice and shit. Sabrina doesn't know what Celine told you during the party, which influenced you confessing to her during the party. Although your both on the same page and only want to... have sex. From her perspective, it looks like your kindness is just to get in your pants. Which probably hurts even though you both don't have any intentions to date."

I look down at my shoes, embarrassed that I didn't look at things through Sabrina's perspective. "Shit, I've been an asshole to her especially last night."

"Yeah you have. In my opinion, the majority of your problems stems from miscommunication. Obviously go apologize for getting angry last night, tell her what Celine said at the party, and actually tell her your attracted to her not that 'I don't like you romantically' bullshit. Remember be positive not negative. Also, I think you both should just start over. There's no point in acting like you're enemies or whatever. I'm not staying y'all should be best friend, just acquaintances. Plus, it's obvious you two have grown out of that."

"Wow, Theo that was actually really helpful and you took that better than I expected."

"I am your best friend after all," he smirks,"and I've always been on team Sabrian/Adrina."

"Sabrian? Adrina?"

"Yeah Sabrina + Adrian and Adrian + Sabrina, duh."

"Alright... are you ready to play again?" I ask as Theo crosses his arm across his chest and looks across the court.

"To be honest, I don't want to play anymore. It's hot and I'm literally melting," he gestures to his sweat soaked blue tee shirt, "I feel nasty, I need to take a shower."

I feel a bit sad that he doesn't want to play, but I understand where he's coming from. "Yeah, you're right, it's hot plus we've been playing for awhile."

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