Ch. 9

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Ch.9 *Sabrina**later that day*

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" He responds.

It's around 8:30 in the evening and the sun is starting to set as I'm sitting on
a park bench a few feet away from Adrian. The park is pretty much empty, just a couple people walking and jogging along.

"Why did you tell me all of that stuff at the party?" I ask.

"You have to be more specific, I told you a lot of stuff."

I roll my eyes at his response, "you know what I mean. The stuff about me constantly being on your mind, why would you say that?"

Adrian shrugs and looks away from me for a second. In that second, I try and appreciate his beautiful side profile. "I needed to get it off my chest," he says, "I thought if I'd get it off my chest, you would leave my mind."

So does that mean he still thinks about me? "But—"

"Wait, you keep asking the questions, it's my turn now."

"Fine, but before you ask, I need to ask you something." It's the thing that's been bothering me all week.

"No, every single time we meet, you ask questions, it's my turn."

"Um, weren't you the one interrogating me in my room the other day?"

"I don't care, it's my turn."

I clap my hands together, "please, just one more?" I plead with a pout on my face and puppy dog eyes.

He bites his lips and his cheeks tint red, "fine."

"If you hate me, why do want to have sex?"

"Curiosity." He replies without hesitation. For some reason, part of me wishes that wasn't his answer. 


"Yes. We had a hot makeout session and I'm curious to what would happen if we continued."

"Oh," I try not to sound dejected even though I slightly am. I don't know what I was expecting him to stay.

"And for the record, I don't hate you. If I hated you, you would know. I wouldn't even breath in your direction. I just dislike your annoying ass."

"You're the annoying one." I mutter under me breath.

"Anyways, are you a virgin?"

"Um... yeah" I don't know whether or not to tell the truth. he's probably going to think I'm more pathetic than weird. "In Switzerland, um, I was dating this guy and we tried to do it once, but it was such a mess. Basically, He was rushing and acting like an asshole the whole time which made me super uncomfortable. I was completely turn off and told him I wanted to stop, so we did. So, uh, yeah that happened." I can feel my face burning from embarrassment, I can't believe I fucking told him about that. "I know it's pathetic."

"No it's not," he scoffs, "you don't have to go through with it if you don't feel comfortable. You can stop whenever you want, it doesn't make you a pathetic person."

"Yeah, but it feels like it," because it's what he told me. I let out a loud sigh as memories of my first ex come rushing back, "It's why we broke up. Well why he broke up with me."

"Oh wow, what an asshole."

"Yeah," I weakly chuckle. Suddenly, I feel the warmth of a body next to mine and an arm around my shoulder.

"Sabrina, that he was an asshole. You're not pathetic for wanting to stop and you will never be. You can stop whenever you want, no one should pressure you into doing something you don't want to."

He sounds like Kiah "You're an asshole, but have your moments," I say as a small smile appears on my face.

"Do I?"

There's another calm silence. I look up and looking back at me are a pair of mischievous brown eyes. Wait, was he staring at me the whole time?

I narrow my eyes at him, "I can't figure you out, why are you being so nice to me? You were mean to me at the beginning of the party, then you confessed, and now your being nice. What the fuck happened?"

"Don't you think I'm as confused as you are?" The irritation in his voice took me by surprise, "I thought I could hold my grudges against you when Theo told me you were back. So when you came up to me I tried to be mean to you. But then Celine went on about you and me. So when you came into my room I was like, 'fuck, let me just confess'. I thought that would make things easier but it didn't."

"Celine? What did she say."

Adrian looks at me in disbelief, "Is that seriously all you got from what I said."

"No, but I—"

"I'm here explaining my emotions to you because you asked but you want to know what Celine said?" His arms were now crossed. He was obviously starting to get pissed off and I don't understand why. What's wrong with wanting to know what she said?

"It's not like I'm not valuing your emotions. You brought Celine up and I'm confused why she even bring me and you up, when she doesn't acknowledge I exist," I was starting to get pissed, not at Adrian, but at Celine, "she ignored me when I tried talking to her, why is she my name in her mouth?"

There was complete silence once again. I look over at Adrian, who I was expecting to respond. Instead he was staring at me with some weird look on his face.

"Hey!" I snap my fingers in his face which pulls him back to reality, "are you ok? Do you need water or something?"

He blinks a couple of times before giving me an awkward crooked smile, "I'm fine," he clears his throat once and runs his hands through his hair, "just forget that Celine ever said something about us."

"Whatever, I'm going home anyways." I say as I stand up and strech.

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