Ch. 15

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Ch 15 *Adrian's POV*

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the emptiness beside me. I was expecting to feel and see Sabrina beside me since we fell asleep next to each other. Of course, my mind ran to the worst-case scenario, but then I realized this was her house and it would make more sense if I left instead of her.

The second thing I noticed was the soft sound of the closing drawer. It was the thing that woke me up. So I sit up and turn my head towards the sound. And there she was, putting on a black shirt.

The moment I see her, memories of last night's events rush into my mind. I close my eyes for a second, and for a brief moment, it's like I can hear her, taste her, and feel her again.

"Good morning Sabrina," I greet her once I open my eyes. She turns around, seemingly slightly surprised.

"Good morning Adrian," there's a soft smile on her face as she greets me back, "I folded your clothes," she points to the edge of her bed.

"I don't have anything that'd fit you, I mean I could get Cortell's clothes, but he'd notice. So yeah, you're going to have to wear your other clothes. I don't know if you want to take a shower... I'm sorry, I'm rambling."

"It's fine," I chuckle as I grab my clothes from the edge of the bed. I then hop out of her warm bed, and start putting on my clothes first starting with my boxers, "I'll be leaving shortly anyway, so it's not a big deal."

"Oh ok, that works," Sabrina says, clasping her hands together. A few moments pass before she starts walking toward me, "soooo... What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"We've had sex, I don't think 2 people who hate each other have sex, so what are we? Like, are we... Friends now?"

I shrug my shoulders, "do you want to be friends?" Because I want to, I want to add.

"I mean..." She pauses for a second, "...You're a nicer guy than I expected and I don't think I hate you anymore. Plus, our shopping excursion was a lot of fun. So, I'm not opposed to being friends."

"I am also not opposed to being friends," I repeat her words as a small smile breaks on my lips.

There's a sly smile on her face, "you know what else?" she starts, "I had a lot of fun last night."

"So did I," I whisper, as her arms wrap around my waist. The air was silent as we looked into each other's eyes. Then just like magnets, our lips connect once again.

I don't think I'll ever forget the way her lips feel on mine. Her soft and warm lips. The lips I longed for since that Christmas party.

Her hands slip into my hair and gently tug my hair. The warm caramelized coffee smell radiating off her skin was hypnotizing. As her lips slightly part, my hands find their way up her shirt.

Suddenly grabs my arms, "Ok wait," she breathed, so I pull back, "We can do it again, but not today. I'm really sore, plus Sophie will probably be here anytime."

"That's fine, I should probably head home anyways," I try not to sound as breathless as I am.

"That's true," she agrees. Her eyes land on my chest before looking back at me, "you should also probably put on a shirt."

"I thought you were the one that said, and I quote 'You should walk around with no shirt on more often'." I tease as I put on my shirt.

Sabrina playfully rolls her eyes and places her hands on my shoulder, "I'll walk you out."


The last time I came home from Sabrina's house, I saw my dad passed out in the foyer and Sacha hovering over him. Luckily this time, he wasn't passed out and Sacha wasn't hovering in confusion over her drunk father. She was just sitting on the steps waiting for me, I assume.

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