Ch. 11

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Ch. 11 *Adrian*

"Sweet Treats has the best ice cream in the world," I say as I lick the top scoop on my cone. The light and floral yet tart flavor of the hibiscus dance on my tongue with the sweet and tropical taste of the coconut.

After taking a shower at the gym, Theo and I decided to go downtown for some ice cream at a local shop.

"So fucking good," he responds. Some of his curly hair is still wet and sticks to his forehead. "What'd you get?"

"Coconut Hibiscus, creamy vanilla bean, and black currant dark chocolate," I respond, pointing from top to bottom, "how about you?"

"Taro, thin chocolate chip, and honey lavender with blackberry."

In the background, I notice 2 women walking towards us. As they get closer I realize it's Sabrina and her sister Sophie. Sophie has on an emerald summer dress with large straps and ruffles lining the hem. Sabrina's wearing a light blue tank top and some light wash denim shorts. Her long brown braids in a cute high ponytail.

Once Sophie notices me, puts a finger to her lips. I'm assuming she's going to try to surprise Theo, which probably won't work since he's facing the window.

"So, are you and Oliva still a thing?" I ask out of the blue. I know they aren't together, I don't think they ever have, but I'm pretty sure Sophie would want me to distract Theo.

"We were never a thing, we've never even fucked, also," there's a slightly sour look on his face before he turns around, "I can see you guys, I'm in front of the window."

"Whatever," Sophie says as she playfully grabs Theo's cheek. He swats at her hands in return.

I haven't seen Sophie and Sabrina side by side in years and I completely forgot how much they look alike. Same big brown eyes, round nose, high cheekbones, and full and defined lips. They used to be mistaken for twin when we were younger even though Sophie's like 6 or 7 years older than Sabrina.

"Adrian, I haven't seen you in so long," Sophie says, now turning her attention to me. She gives me a once over, "Look at you all grown up, no longer that chubby-cheeked baby. How's everyone at home?"

"Everyone's good," the lie effortlessly rolls off my tongue as it always has.

From the corner of my eye, I see Sabrina who's on her phone and bored. I don't think she looked at me once this whole time. My heart drops as I remember last night and the stuff Theo told me today. She's probably mad at me and I don't blame her.

"That's good to hear. And it's also good that we've bumped into your guys. As you can see, Sabrina is here with me," Sophie motions to Sabrina, who finally looks up from her phone, "I'm going to leave her with you two, because you're her peers and I think she's bored with me."

"Wait, you're just gonna leave me?" Sabrina asks offended.

"Yeah, it's not like they're strangers. Theo is literally your favorite cousin and Adrian is his best friend. Besides you were complaining the whole time we were out so..."

Sabrina let out a long sigh and sits in the chair right in front of her which happens to be right beside me, "fine, whatever. Go and get yo-."

"Don't fucking finish that sentence."

"Sophie," Theo interrupts, probably to ease the tension between the sisters, "let's go inside and get some ice cream."

"Yeah, let's go do that." After that, Theo and Sophie head inside, leaving me and Sabrina all by ourselves.

This is my chance to apologize.

"Sabrina," my voice was a lot quieter than I expected. As she turns to look at me, my heart races, "since we are alone, I want to apologize for getting mad at you yesterday. I'm embarrassed to say, but I never looked at things from your perspective, I just thought you'd be on board with everything without explanation. It's not fair for me to just assume that especially since you've just come back after being gone for so long."

For a moment she doesn't say anything, but I notice a small smile on her face. "I forgive you, Adrian," she starts, "I also apologize for pressing on an issue that clearly made you uncomfortable."

"You don't have to apologize for that, like I said, it's something you need to know."

"But I shouldn't have handled the situation like that. If I were you, I'd also be mad."


"Adrian," she interrupts me, "your Ice cream is melting."

I look at the cone in my hand, and although she's clearly trying to change the subject, she's right, my ice cream is melting.

As I'm looking for napkins to clean up my hand and hold the cone, I notice Sabrina leaning towards my hand.

"What are you-" before I can even finish my question, she suddenly presses her tongue against my hand. And without breaking eye contact, she follows the trail of melted ice cream up my hand.

The warmth of her breath, her eye contact, everything about this moment sends chills of desire down my body and my mind straight to dirty things.

Once she reaches the top, she backs away from me. "Hmm, what flavor was that?" She asks as she licks her lips and breaks eye contact.

"Black currant dark chocolate."

"I hope they get me that flavor, I love dark chocolate. I've never had currant before though."


Suddenly she places her face in her hands, "I can't believe I just fucking did that. This is so embarrassing."


"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I don't know what came over me. I'm not a dog, I'm so sorry for licking you." Now she's lightly banging her head on the table.


"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She stops hitting her head on the table. "Why aren't you talking?" Suddenly she grabs the collar of my shirt and tries shaking me back and forth.

I can't help but chuckle at her reaction which earns me a grimace from her, "Sabrina chill, you're fine. I'm fine." I say pulling her hand off my collar.

YOU'RE HOLDING HANDS, the voice in my mind shouts. My heart races as I quickly look down at her hand in my hand. Her soft warm hands. Significantly smaller than mine. I softely rub small circles into the back of her hands.

Just imagine these hands on your dick. Squeezing. Playing. Balls in hand. Fuck her hand, what about her mouth— her lips.

"Bro-" she says, snapping me out of my trance.

I grimace at her words and drop her hands, "please don't call me bro." It feels so fucking weird.


It's a complete turnoff, I want to say, "it's-it's weird. I don't like it."

She rolls her eyes, "whatever."

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