Ch. 5

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Ch. 5 || *Sabrina's POV*

I quickly look away.

Oh my God.

Did I just say that? Maybe I didn't. I sneak a look at Adrian. Red cheeks, wide eyes, curious smirk. Nope, I did.

If Kiah was here, she'd totally be amping me up. But she's not, and I'm freaking out. I basically just asked him if he wants to have sex. I don't think I'll ever be that bold again.

"Come again?" I hear him ask over the sound of my beating heart.

There is NO way I'm repeating myself again.

"You wanna watch a movie or maybe a show?" I ask, trying to change the subject, "I mean, Netflix is already up on the TV. I also have Hulu and Disney+. Actually the Disney+ is my sister's, but I use it a lot..."

"Sabri, I'm not in the mood for movies, I want to hear what you asked earlier."

"How can you not be in the mood for movies? Here give me the remote, I'll search for a movie."

Adrian shakes his head, so I lean over and try to grab it. Each time I try to grab it, he quickly moves.

After playing a quick game of cat and mouse, we are kneeling on the bed and facing each other. Adrian waves the remote around in the air, before slipping it in his pockets.

I narrow my eyes at him at the smiling boy, "give me the remote, asshole."

"Let me think," he says as he taps his chin, "I'll give you the remote, if you repeat what you said."

"I don't remember what I said."

"I know you do."

"I don't."

"Fine, I'll ask you," he starts off, looking at my lips, "Sabrina, do you want to figure out what happens when we have more than 7 minutes?"

My face warms up as scenarios pop up in my mind. I look away from him and straight at the TV. We could be watching a movie right now.

Watching a movie with Adrian?

"Don't you have to go home?" I ask. My knees were starting to ache so I criss cross.

"I don't want to be home."


"I hate it there." He responds. As he sits down, he grabs my pink dinosaur plush from the corner of my bed. I'm not gonna lie, Adrian holding a stuffed animal is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

Well that took a turn, "Oh, I'm sorry." If he rather be here, then he really hates it there.

"It's fine, it's not your fault."

There was an awkward silence similar to the one we had in the closet.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He stops squishing my dinosaur and looks at me, "No one has ever asked me that before."


"What I really wanna talk about the more-than-7-minutes thing. I'm very intrigued."

I roll my eyes, "you won't let that go?"

Adrian shakes his head, "Sabrina, I already told you, you're on my mind 24/7. I think about the way you moaned, how your body felt under me, and the intense heat between us. I think about the way you turned me on. I'm not going to forget what you said."

My whole body warms as his words trigger some memories, "finnnnnnnnne. I'm gonna be blunt and honest," I turn towards Adrian. Am I really going to say this? I close my eyes and think about Angélique hyping me up. You miss the shots you never take. "I've thought about having sex with you since the party. Just a couple of things though."

Does this count as shooting my shot?

I open my eyes. Red cheeks, wide eyes, and curious smirk. That smirk is so hot.

I look down at his lip— his full pink lips. What I would do to kiss and bite them.

We're only inches away from each other. One more move and I'm straddling and kissing him. One more move and I'm lifting his shirt and touching his body. One move move and he's touching my body.  

Although my chest is aching and my hand itches to pull his hair, I don't move or talk. Nor does he.

I've thought and dreamed about this moment. It's finally here. I didn't think it would ever happen, let alone this soon. The tension between us is unbearable, but instead of attacking his lips, I fall back into my pillow and slip under my throw blanket.

"Can I get the remote now?" I ask instead of what I true want.

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