Chapter 3

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Cath POV

I was right; and just in time. The boy was in the library, and he was heading my way. I looked down, looked up at him, and looked down again. And then...... "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I gasped, picking up his books and handing them to him. "Its cool, its cool." I got up onto my own two feet, and handed him the books. "Hey? Didn't we bump into each other before? I don't think I got your name? My name is Levi. What's yours?" He asked, fiddling with his straight, brown hair which was flopped to the side; the style turning into a small squiff. "Cath." I replied, looking down, biting my lip in nervousness. He seemed to sense my nervousness, and placed a finger underneath my chin, lifting it up so he could see me. He was inching closer and closer to me, towards my lips; making myself even more worse than I was. "I'll see you around, yeah?" Levi said in a husky, whispering seductive way. It felt like electricity was running up and down my body. I nodded. With that, he disappeared. I was then left standing there, awkwardly. I looked around briefly for something to distract myself, but I soon left, heading into the canteen to see if I could spot my sister.

The doors swung open every 3 seconds, with students running in and out with stuff in their hands. Lots of noise echoed around the large room, with it being heard down the corridor where the staff room was. I skimmed the room, looking for a girl with chocolate brown hair, and a few strands covered in pink. It didn't take long before I did spot her from the corner of my bluey grey eyes. I wandered over, clutching my books to my chest, hoping none of them would fall out of my grasp. "Hey.." Wren said, bright and cheerfully. I nodded, looking at all the people gathered around her. "Everyone, this is my sister Cath. Cath, these are my friends.... Amy, Jake, Laura, Hannah, Jason, Levi, and Zoe." She said, pointing to each one. So Levi hangs around with my sister?! I was left confused, but decided to brush it off. Wren moved up a little, and I perched on the end of the bench.

Wren POV

"Everyone, this is my sister Cath. Cath, these are my friends.... Amy, Jake, Laura, Hannah, Jason, Levi, and Zoe." I said, pointing to each one of my friends. "Could I sit down?" Cath said. I nodded lightly, budging up to let her perch on the end of the bench we were all sitting on. She didn't engage in much conversation; apart from when she was asked questions, and when someone else started the conversation with her. Myself, Hannah, Jake, Jason, and Laura engaged back into our conversation were having about seeing each other on the weekend, and what we would do, depending on where we went. "This group is banter. I'd love to meet up with you guys one day!" I sighed, trying to keep myself calm, and did my best not to burst back into fits of laughter. "We'd love to see you over the weekend too!" Replied Laura, with Jason nodding in agreement.

I looked slightly to my left, to spot Cath talking with Levi. Do they know each other or something? Weird. Never mind. I turned back to Laura, discussing that town would be the best location to meet. "Could I have your numbers guys? So I could let you know if I could go or not..?" I asked, slightly nervous about asking. "Sure!" Amy smiled; and I passed my phone around the table for numbers to be filled in. I got it back, and looked at the title names they had given each other in my phone. Jason was under Jase. Amy was under Amy. Levi was under Levi, Hannah was under Hannah, and Laura was under Laurabae. I nodded, smiling at a few of the names inserted into my phone. "I can always change them all later to my preference.." I thought. The bell rang for lunch to end, and so everyone in the canteen scattered, disappearing into their respective classrooms.

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