Chapter 16

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Cath POV

Today is the day when I'll be finally going home! I'm super excited and can't wait to get out of here. I got up at 7:30AM, had a shower, and did my hair. I packed my remaining stuff into my suitcase, and zipped it all up. I had a "on board" bag, which I would carry, and I put my cable for my phone, my phone, perfume, and purse in there, placing it on top of my suitcase. I smiled, looking into the mirror, and seeing the picture of me and wren, when we were little - smiling, laughing, and hugging each other tight like we weren't going to be separated. But look at us now. In different homes, and I have a high chance of never seeing her again. I sighed, placing the memory into my bag. Reagan came wandering in, a towel wrapped around her head. "Where are you going?" Reagan asked, slightly confused, as to why all my stuff was packed up.

"I'm leaving. I've gotten adopted and I'm leaving here in about 1/2 an hour!" I was so happy to finally leave, but Reagan wasn't keen on me leaving. "Why? I don't want you to leave... Its going to be lonely without you." My heart saddened; weakened even, at her words, but I wrapped my arms around her, giving her one of my "special hugs". "Its okay Reagan, they'll move you into a different room with someone else, so you won't be lonely. Its going to be fine." Just as I loosened my grip around Reagan, I heard male voiced downstairs, and a smile grew on my lips. "They're here!" I told myself. One last look in the mirror, straightening out my outfit, and then I plodded downstairs, greeted by the 5 boys I would be living with for the rest of my life, or until I find a place of my own.

*hours later*

I finally arrived at the home I would be staying in forever. This home is going to be my forever home.. I sighed, before putting on an extremely excited face, to go and run up to the door, and up the stairs. And I did just that. I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to come and open the door. Once it was open, I bolted inside, and went to go and look around, but stopped dead in my tracks when I remembered I knew where nothing was. The boys soon came in, and smiled. Niall and Liam were giggling. I scrunched up my eyebrows, causing them all to laugh. "what's so funny?" I asked, with confusion clearly written all over my face. " facial expressions!" I have to admit, I laughed too, and we all wandered around the house together.

Wren POV

"Tell me its just a dream,
cos I'm really not fine at all."

That's it! The last line, of the last song was sung, and rehearsal was over. Only a few more hours left. To kill some time, I decided to go down to the local takeaway shop nearby, and picked up some fries with cheese. I walked back to the stadium, to find it was flooded with people, and had to sneak around the back to go and see the boys. Luke saw me, and look pretty worried, but a sigh of relief changed his expression. "I was so worried, because of all the people there. You're not hurt are you?" Luke whispered, towards the end of him speaking. I giggled slightly, hugging him, with my chips and cheese still in hand. "I'm fine babes, trust me.." He looked down into my eyes, taking my chips and placing them down on a table. He took both my hands into his, linking together like jigsaw pieces - like they were meant to fit together.

He went straight fore my soft,red lips, no hesitation. "I love you Wren .. I can't help it." He was running out of breath, and only just managed to say that during our heated moment, before we were interrupted by Mike. "*cough cough*" "Oh yeah.. urm, I'll see you later yeah?" Luke said, holding my hand, and walked side by side until we hit the stairs. He lightly kissed me on my left cheek, and smiled. "I love you!" Our hands disconnected and he ran up the stairs to join the rest of the team.

Several hours later, they were finished, and I was able to see Luke again. I had finished my chips, and glad that no one had taken them when Luke took them from my hands and placed the selafane packaging onto the table. "You were.... A-mazing!" I said, still pumped from humming and singing the lyrics from the songs; backstage. "Thank You Wren!" I received a hug from them all, and a cheeky kiss from Luke. Our hands locked together once again, but weren't for too long, and I had to take mine away from Luke's. "Ewww, Luke! Your hand is all sweaty... errrrww...!!" I wiped my now sweaty hand back on Luke, and went to go and wash my hands. Once I came out, everyone was waiting for me, and we hopped back into the van; before anyone saw us and followed us back to the hotel. They surely must know where we're going, because they're not that daft. People must've seen us enter and exit.

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