Chapter 2

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Wren POV

I was never this popular in my old school. "Hey Wren, over here!" Called Amy. I smiled, grabbing the lunch tray, and parking myself next to her. "Hey Wren.." Was said around the lunch table, and I offered 'hey' s back. "Enjoying it so far?" Asked a girl with blonde hair, and brown eyes. I have no clue of her name. "Yeah, I love it here. The people here are really nice, like you guys.." Laughs were heard; as did I at my own remark. "Looks really professional and everyone seems to get along.." I smiled, taking a bite out of my cheeseburger. Lunch went by like a flash, and soon rolled onto last lesson; ICT. A girl that was on our table at lunch - with brown hair and brown eyes; showed me to ICT, and introduced me to the teacher. "Mrs, this is Wren, and she's new here. Could she sit next to me please?" The teacher nodded. "Hello Wren, nice to meet you! My name is Mrs Gallery." I nodded, following my tour guide to her seat. "Here's the spare seat..." I placed myself onto the padded, swiverly chair, and placed my bag on the floor. "My name is Jaelynn, but please call me Jae." I waved arkwardly, trying my best to smile at the same time.

I tapped in my username and changed the password, and got on with the work given. "Sly! Please keep your voice down.." "Sly!" "Natalie please.." All you could here throughout the whole lesson was the teachers voice, constantly having a go at others in the class. "Oh yeah, Mrs likes dead silence in her lessons, otherwise detentions are given out." I nodded, listening carefully to what was being told. Wouldn't want to get into trouble on my first day here. 2:58PM came by, and we all packed up to go. Both Cath and I walked home; but Amy followed me half way before turning down a back alley, to go back to hers. I sighed, carrying on walking back to hell. Cath didn't say a word, just looked at the cold floor, and looked up occasionally to see what was coming the other way. Opening the door and stepping inside, I closed the door behind us, and headed straight up to our room, to get on with homework and discuss our first day. I could already tell Cath hasn't had a good first day..

I sat down at my desk, pulling out my maths homework book. "So how was your day Cath?" I asked, getting a pen from the pen pot that sat in between Cath and I's desk. She shrugged her shoulders, not saying a word. "How was it? Say something please..." I said again, hoping for her to part open her pink lips. "It was um....... It was okay I guess." She finally spoke. "What do you mean 'okay I guess'?" I asked, hoping to get a more responsive answer. Cath said nothing, but constantly looked at her book. I sighed, getting on with my maths homework I had been set. Ever since we were put in here, Cath hasn't been the same. Before, she was a lot brighter, happier, had friends, and believed in herself. She has none of that now. I moved away from my desk, and reached into my bag to pull out my muffin I had saved from lunch. I tore open the packet, and placed it on the wooden table. Every so often, I would tear small pieces off, giving myself energy to think of the correct answers.

The bell rang, signalling it was dinner time. Many other children swung open their doors, and thundered their way into the dining hall - but Cath and I opened our doors, and made our way down to the hall a lot quieter than the other kids. Adoption day is 3 days away, and neither of us can't wait - There is a possibility that we will get split up, and Cath dreads it every time. I was adopted once, but I was sent back here, because they thought I was too happy, and I got on too well with everyone. Ffs. Anyways.... Never mind that. Couple of hours past, and it was 8:30PM. Cath was clearly upset, so she went upstairs and got into bed. I followed shortly behind her, but my head was soon put to rest at around 9:45PM. Tomorrow was Wednesday, and I just couldn't wait for Friday.

Cath POV

The cockerel outside belted out the usual call early this morning. "Please turn to page 104, take notes and answer the questions provided." I was only in languages and I still have another 4 hours to go, including break and lunch. "Let's do the register," The teacher called. "Hussain, Muhammad, Michael, Thea, Courtney, Chantelle, Maheen, Sophie, Ryan, Hannah, James, Vicky, Emma, Lauren, Cath, Kitty, Ben, Luke, Max, Callum, Philip, Ben, Sam..." A load of "yes Mrs"s sounded the crowded room, before the break time bell went. I grabbed all my things, in attempt to catch that boy in the Library again.

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