Chapter 14

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Cath POV

"Wha-.. What was that noise?" I jumped up from my seat, and wandered cover to the window. The boys followed behind, cautiously, and stopped a little behind. "There's loads of people outside with cameras.." I couldn't believe it. I had never seen so many people in my life, in such a short time!? "Oh crap.." I heard Louis mumble. I whipped my head around, looking straight at him. "What?" I asked. "That.... Those people are fans and paparazzi. They've found us. Is it possible if we sneak out the back? Its the only way we'll be able to get out." All of them walked out of the living room, and right up to Mrs Goodwin. I was given several looks, and small talk was made. "ONE DIRECTION! ONE DIRECTION! ONE DIRECTION!" called many people, holding up handmade signs, with their names on it, and recent pictures of them. I let go of the curtain, and sat back down on the sofa, back in my seat. About 10 minutes later, the boys walked back into the livingroom, and I got up.

"So what's happening next? How are you going to get out of here?" I asked. No reply. Instead, smirks and smiles were plastered all over them, only getting bigger. Niall held out a wallet with paper in it. He handed it to me, and I looked at them all with confusion."What is this?" I asked. My heart pounded as I pulled out the paperwork. I read through it all briefly, until I got to the last page. My face dropped, and I placed my hand over my mouth.

This document allows Cather Laura Stevens to go into a permanent home, to a date suited to her new parents. Instructions of medication, and allergies are also available. She is to be taken good care of, and to be loved like your own. (Picture displayed above with birth details, arrival of when she came here to the centre etc)...

I felt water spilling from my eyes, gently flowing down my cheeks; hitting my makeup in its path- now ruining it. "Are you serious?!" I looked up at Harry, Niall, Zayn, Niall, and Louis. "Yep, we're dead serious. Our manager let us keep you. You seem too nice and kind to be staying in a place like this. So you're coming with us!" Zayn replied. A smile played with my lips, and I dropped the paperwork, and went to give them all hugs. "Thank you so much! I can't believe this is happening! I thought I would never get to go to a good home." My final hug was from Harry, and I smiled, nodding at all of them. "Is it okay if I take a selfie with you guys?!" They all nodded. I unlocked my phone, and turned on the front camera. "Is it okay if this goes on Instagram too?" They all laughed. "Of course we don't mind.. Go ahead, tag us in the photo too if you'd like.." Replied Liam.

*click* I edited the picture, and placed it onto my account, following, and tagging Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all individually. "Thank you all so much, I won't disappoint you guys, I promise." I nodded, with still the biggest smile plastered on my face. They also smiled which gave me signs that this will work. "So, when do I get to go?" I asked. Mrs Goodwin entered, as I asked. "Anytime, tomorrow morning? Would that be okay with you boys?" I looked from Mrs Goodwin to Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. "The morning is good. We can do 9AM. Since most fans probably won't be up at that time, so we'll be able to pick you up and make a swift move back home." Replied Liam, with Harry and Zayn chipping in too.

Wren POV

Today is the day where we get to be all excited and meet some new people! We have to leave at 2pm, for a rehearsal for all of the boys, and then at 5/6pm is when the REAL thing starts. I'm super excited and can't wait to get going today. I roll over to the other side of my bed, slowly reaching an arm our from under the duvet, wrapping my fingers around my phone; pulling it closer to me. I started up the device, and waited for the time to appear. 8:48AM . I sighed, placing my phone back down on my night stand, and trodding across the room to my bathroom. I did my business, before stripping down, and getting into the shower to wash myself and my lovely brown hair.

Once I was done, I wrapper my towel around me, and opened the window to the bathroom to let out the steam, and then opening my bathroom door. Meandering back across my room, I opened another door to my walk-in closet. "What should I wear today?" I asked myself. I sighed, looking through all the clothes and drawers before settling with an outfit for today - I also picked out a much nicer outfit for later. I wore a pure white t shirt with the word "Paradise" written in pink, purple, and white with many other colours; in the middle. A pair of white coloured skinny jeans, and some fancy sandals. The weather was quite hot outside, so I decided on light colours today. My hair was to the side, and platted into a fishtail.

I had on some dark eye makeup with black mascara, and a lipstick to match the colour of my lips to go on after breakfast. Perfume was put on, and my earrings were changed. I took a look in the mirror and smiled at myself. "Yeah, I do. I look good. I look okay. Good on you! Haha" I said to myself, out loud. A quick picture was taken on my phone, and I placed it back down on my dressing table. I walked over to my door, and pulled it open, to find a smell wafting my way from the dining room. "What is that lovely smell?!" I gasped, smelling breakfast being cooked. I walked down the hallway, and downstairs to the dining room to see if anyone was ready and waiting.

Ash, and Michael were downstairs, saving our table. "Hello Wren!" They both stood up, and walked towards me. "Hi Michael!" I gave him a hug, and Ash too. I sat down in a chair, and grabbed my napkin. "Where's Luke?" I asked, smiling secretly at the thought. "Oh, he was in the bathroom when I left the room, he'll be down in a minute." I nodded, to hear more footsteps coming downstairs. I turned, to see Alex, Leon, Luke, and Calum, with security all following after one another. My face lit up, when Luke waved, and smiled. Everyone went to the table, apart from Luke, who stood there, arms out wide, smiling. I knew he was looking at me; as I was looking at him. I ran towards him, before jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I must have looked like a freak, but I didn't care, but neither did Luke (I'm guessing), otherwise he wouldn't of done it. "So glad to see you so happy today love.." I smiled, dying inside. HE CALLED ME LOVE... HOW CUTE IS THAT LIKE... ISJXKADKAKX.... "Yeah, I'm so glad I'm better this morning." Luke put me down, and I walked back to my seat.

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