Chapter 11

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Wren POV

After what seemed like forever until we reached Australia, we were soon in Brisbane airport. I slowly opened my eyes, giving myself time to adjust where I was, and what was happening. I peered through the window, looking out to the beautiful landscapes, with a lovely sun beaming down, and a clear blue sky; showing no signs of rain or poor weather. "Welcome to Australia..." I smiled, taking a photographic memory of what it looks like, as well as a visible photo on my phone. I walked next to the boys, making myself feel safer, and wanted, as we got into a black limo, that waited down an abandoned alley, so no one could interrupt our travel, and try to get closer the boys. Ashton put his large arm around me, gently guiding me with his hand. I smiled, knowing that; somewhere deep down, that he cared just a little more than what he shows.

Ashton opened the door for myself to get in, but I refused and offered him the space. "Ladies first.." He said, and I laughed slightly, shaking my head. "Thanks Ash, but you should go first." Ash shook his head. "No thanks. I don't want to leave my manners behind... Its ladies first." He replied, more stern than the first time he spoke. My smile dropped, and I looked down at the floor, sighing. I finger found its way under my chin, and lifted my head up. "Please cheer up. I didn't mean it that way. We just dont have much time before people come and find us. Please Wren.... Ladies first." My mood lightened up a bit; as did his, and I got in, followed by Michael, and Ashton, and then Calum and Luke got in opposite us. The door was closed, and the limo rolled forward, gained speed up the road.

I looked out the window, and didn't say a word, the whole way to the hotel. I calmed myself down, and forced a smile on my face. I couldn't be sad, or gloomy for traveling around the world, could I? I wouldn't want to spoil it for the other either, and this is my first time going around the world, so I want to make the most of it. The limo came to a stop down an alley, and several people came rushing out the hotel, heaving the bags, and putting them on trolleys and taking them inside. I was told to go first, and then they would follow; and they did. Ash, Calum, Michael, and Luke. I rushed inside, and sat down, waiting eagerly for the boys to reappear. They all soon came rushing in, and came to sit down next to me, as Alex and Leon, with the security guards walked up to the desk, to get the room keys. "Wren! Come and get your key..." I took my key, and looked at what room I was in, Floor 4 - room 6. "What floor?" I wandered. Ash and Luke were sharing (Floor 4 - Room 4), but Calum (Floor 4 - Room 5) and Michael (Floor 4 - Room 7) requested their own rooms.

Luggage was taken upstairs to our rooms, each of us having our own trolleys, apart from Ash and Luke, who were sharing rooms, which meant the same trolley. Alex and Leon soon came up 5 minutes after, and came checking on us all, to see if we have unpacked okay, and if we're settling in, and if we've found everything we need.


Sorry guys this is so short, but I'm really busy right now with work experience, and stuff, so sorry about the slow updates. So I'll try to update as much as I possibly can.


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