Chapter 13

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Wren POV

Luke's hand collided with mine, fitting together like lost jigsaw pieces that have been put together again. The warmth from his hands, transferred over to my body, instantly making myself feel too hot under the duvet. Sweat started to drip down my face, causing my perfectly - made makeup to run with it. "Phoooew." I unbuckled my hand from Luke's, and took off the duvet that was placed over my body. "You okay?" Asked Luke, a bit of concern trembling in his voice. I nodded. "Yeah, just getting too hot with the duvet over me." A whistle came from Ashton; a whistle that people blow in a flirty way. I smiled, a simple giggle escaping my lips. I sat up, moving the pillows to fit, so that I was comfortable enough to sit up against the bed. "Let's get you back to your room."

Ash said, walking over to the bed I was resting on. They both took ahold of my hands, helping me stand up. I carefully swung my legs over the bed, gently sliding off, til I was on both feet. I felt Ash's and Luke's grip on my hands tighten, as I slowly moved forward. I could sense some uneasiness between both of the boys, as if they were mentally arguing over who was going to get me.

Luckily my room was only next door, but I still had to walk. They got me to sit back down, this time on my own bed, in my own room. "Your not going to pass out are you?" They joked. I laughed, smiling. "No, I'm good thanks. Thanks boys." Both Luke and Ash gave me a hug, and wished me well for tomorrow. "What's tomorrow?" I asked. "We're starting the tour tomorrow!" Ashton said, hints of excitement present in his voice. I immediately jumped off the bed, prancing around, jumping for joy, until I collapsed on the floor. "Owwwwwh." Ashton and Luke helped me up, and I walked carefully back to my bed. "Rest for today, and calm yourself down, and then tomorrow you can get all excited... haha." Luke said, himself laughing slightly. They both left, closing my door.

Cath POV

*6 months later*

Today is adoption day, and everyone is getting ready, and all excited, hoping to be adopted out into a permanent home. I was woken up by Reagan, all excited, and bouncing around the small bedroom of ours. I have gotten very close with Reagan, and now we're like best friends; almost that close that we could call each other sisters. "C'mon Cath,! Lets go!" I smiled, pulling on my shoes, and walking downstairs to lots of noise. Little kids running around, who can't sit still for too long. Older ones, sat on the sofa, being polite and showing their best interests in hoping to get out of this hell - hole.


I know it says after 3 years Cath gets adopted, but I can't wait til later on to 'adopt' her, so im doing it now.. you'll thank me later xD haha, love you guys! Oh, I'll put in Caths outfit on here for you guys to see too! :)


"Cath, over here!" Called one of Wrens friends. I can't exactly remember her name, as Wren was friends with everyone, and I miss her alot, so I don't like to talk about her that much. But since I'm talking about her now, I might aswell continue. I walked over to her, smiling, and keeping my head held high, to give hints to the public that maybe I'm the one for them?.. "Hey, whats up?" I ask. "You know those 5 boys over there?" she asks. I suddenly remember her name is Megan. I nodded, slightly confused as to what she was going to say about those 5, boys standing in the corner of the room; surrounded by little ones - with a hint of excitement rushing through my veins. "That's One Direction!" She squealed, excitement clear in her voice as she spoke. I smiled excitedly for her, even though I had no clue as to who they really were. Before I could say anything else to Megan, the 5 boys wandered over to us, smiling.

Megan was panting, and doing her best to keep calm as they approached us. All of a sudden, they were right in front of me, looking really cute, and hot at the same time. Suddenly, Megan was no longer standing next to me, but was laying on the floor. "Woah, she okay?" One of them spoke, with brown straight hair, and luscious brown eyes. "Yeah, she's urm...- a bit excited to see you." They all laughed lightly, and one of the other boys spoke; this time he had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Aha, we have the best fans in the whole world, couldn't ask for anything better." It was clear he wasn't from London: with his accent taking over his small London ish accent. "So what's your name love?" This time he had dark green eyes, and hair like women, how it was long, and tied back into a bun. "Urm, my name is Cath..." I looked down at the floor in nervousness, trying my best to stay calm.

I looked behind me to see Megan was sitting on a chair, with ice on her forehead, smiling and squealing eagerly for the 5 boys standing infront of me: to notice her. We were now sat down on both of the sofas opposite each other. I was sat in between 2 of them, and the others sat in the other sofa. "We're so sorry we haven't introduced ourselves to you. My name is Liam, and this is Zayn, and Louis.." They boy gave me warm smiles, and a small wave, and then stood up to each give me warm and welcoming hugs. I sat back down, to then swing my head to one of the others sitting next to me. "And I'm Niall, and this is Harry." Ahh, so that's his name! I thought. I smiled, and gave them both hugs too. "And if you haven't heard, we're One Direction." Zayn said, leaning forward with his hands linked together resting them on his knees.

Suddenly, there was a load of noise coming from outside.

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