Chapter 4

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Wren POV

*2 days Later*

Today is the day where the adoption centre gets open for anyone to come and take a look at us. Cath and I get the day off school, to have the chance to get seen and potentially put into a permanent home. "Cath.." I whispered, shaking her small and fragile body. She turned over, moaning as she did. "Yeah?" She replied, in a croaky morning voice. "Adoption day today... We need to get up." I said, a little louder than a whisper. "Okay.. I'll get up in a few minutes. Gimme some time." I nodded. "Not too long though.." I walked across the hall into the bathroom, locking the door behind myself. I stripped out of my comfortable sleeping clothes, and got into the shower, washing my hair also. I got out, wrapping my dark red towel around me, walking quickly back across the hall before anyone saw me. I put on an Aztec patterned dress with black, white, and pink colours, all displaying different shapes, with different patterns going with it. It neatly hugged my body, showing off my figure nicely. I braided my hair, leaving a few strands loose.

I sat quietly on the edge of my bed, applying my daily makeup to my face. Nothing was heard in our room apart from the breathing coming from our mouths, with Cath frantically trying to make an effort to be adopted this time. We've been here for awhile; about 6 months, but I was nearly taken on the 2 week that I came here. I sadly wasn't chosen, but I have hopes that I will today.

*3 hours later*

Cath POV

I just sat there, watching all the other kids being looked and and played with, with the families children. Wren was one of them. I always knew she would get adopted before I would, and it breaks my heart to know that... "Well Cath, that's just a fact of life. Get over it." I thought, several times over and over again in my head. Until, one little kid who seemed about 4, climbed onto the chair next to me, and said "Mummy! Mummy look! This girl!" But the tall woman took a look at me, and walked off. "What the?......" I thought, then shrugged my shoulders. They're obviously after someone who is a lot more outgoing, and speaks up alot, and who  with almost everyone. The traits of my sister - which I just don't have. I'm not going to get picked, I know it. I want my sister to get adopted. I want her to live her dream of becoming whatever she wants, and to be herself. I hear her cry in the bathroom sometimes at night, quiet muffled sounds. I always listen to what she's saying to herself, but the tears make it hard for myself to understand what she was trying to say.

Forgetting that, I turned my attention back to a couple who were looking at Wren, smiling and nodding. Wren was also. I moved up seats, wanting to see a better angle of what was going on. "So cool... Tell me more about yourself." A woman with blonde hair and brown eyes said, rather excitedly. Wren answered. "Well, I'm good at photography.. I love clothes and fashion. I love talking to anyone and everyone, and I love spending time with friends." A man next to this woman nodded, looking at the brown eyes woman; who looked to be in her early 30's, maybe. They walked off, arms linked together, walking right up to our surrogate mother, Mrs Goodwin. Papers were got out, and so was a pen. She's getting adopted. I instantly felt my heart break, and stop beating for a few minutes. Small talk was made, and then Wren was called over.

Wren POV

"So cool... Tell me more about yourself." Alex said, rather excitedly. I answered. "Well, I'm good at photography.. I love clothes and fashion. I love talking to anyone and everyone, and I love spending time with friends." Her husband, Leon, nodded. They walked off, arms linked together, right up to Mrs Goodwin. I saw paperwork was got out, and the ink of a pen, hitting the piece of white paper, with scattered information on it, all neatly in order. I smiled, only hoping for the best. I looked over to Cath, who looked distraught; with water coming to the surface of her greyish blue eyes. "Cath? Cath are you okay?" I asked, looking towards her, hoping she'll speak up, but it didn't look positive in a time like this. She looked up at me though. Her eyes were red, and her makeup was all over the place. It had turned into liquid, and ran down her lovely skin like a river on a rainy day. She stook her head, and got up to go somewhere. I followed her. "Cath, wait!" I called. She ran away from me, so I had to run to cath up with her.

"Cath please! Let me say something!" Cath was a great runner, and I was running out of breath to keep up with her. She turned down an alley, that looked very dodgy, and something like badass boys, and theur crew went instead of going into school. I dared not go down there, but I had no choice. I screwed my eyes shut, and walked down the alley. "Cath?!" I called out. Quiet sobbing noises came from behind a green wheely bin. "Cath.... Cath is that you? Of so, please answer me." I carefully removed the bin from the wall, and there sat Cath - alone, and upset. "Hey.... Ssssh, its okay. Come here. Its okay." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to my chest. She took the advantage, grabbing my dress, and sobbing as hard as she could.

Several minutes later, we were walking back towards the centre. I opened the front door, to a worried Mrs Goodwin, and my "parents". " I'm so sorry. Cath got upset so I followed her. It won't happen again Mrs Goodwin, I promise." She nodded, and then smiled. "Well it won't, because your going into a permanent home. Congratulations Wren!" I smiled so wide, I swear my smile could've been permanently stuck onto my face. "Oh my gosh! I am?! This is so amazing! Thank you so much!" I hugged my "parents" and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "When do I leave?" I asked. "Tomorrow afternoon.." Mrs Goodwin replied. I smiled once again, heading upstairs to go and pack. I also had to tell Cath this news. And I knew it wouldn't go down well.

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