Chapter 9

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Wren POV

*3 days later*

Today is the day where I'll be travelling with Ash, Luke, Michael, and Calum to the other side of the world on a "around the world" visit. I had on an outfit that consisted of a pair of light coloured high waist skinny jeans, a dark red belly top, that fitted perfectly, due to myself wearing high waisted skinny jeans, with a pair of black converse shoes. I had on some matching makeup, and my hair was braided to the side in a fish tail Platt. I also had a black carrier bag with me that was placed over my right shoulder, and my passport was in hand. The airport was crowded, with loads of girls, screaming and shouting, and asking the boys for autographs. A few signs were held up. I was nearest to Calum, so I decided to ask him. "Calum? What is all of this?" I handed my passport to the desk, for them to do a check. I placed my handbag on the conveyor belt, and looked back at Calum, hoping for an answer. "What is all of what?" He asked. He too handed in his passport. "All of these girls, chanting your names, and asking for your autographs?" He said nothing, but continued on, with his checked passport in hand. I collected mine, and raced towards the conveyor belt to collect my bag.

"Calum? Aren't you going to answer my question?" I asked. "Sorry... I couldn't hear you from back there." Something seemed to be bothering him, about what I had asked, but I decided to leave it, as asking what's up may upset him even more, and it would be a bad start to this trip around the world. I sat down by a window seat on the plane, and put away my passport. Next to me was Luke, and Michael was placed on the end. Behind me was Calum, Alex, and Leon, and a lot more people came with us too, like security, and instrument players. Something wasn't right, and I didn't like the feeling that was stirring between us. I decided on talking to Luke for a bit, since we have grown quite close recently, along with Myself and Ashton too.

"Luke, what was going on back there? In the airport? I asked Calum, but he didn't answer me...? Could you answer it instead?" He looked at me with innocent eyes, and then turned around to Alex and Leon, who gave him a stern look. Luke's facial expression changed from innocent to a begging type of face, as if to say "Please... Why can't I say anything?!" Kind of look. He sighed, and looked back at me. "I have no idea. I'm sorry Wren." He wrapped his arm around me, and I automatically leaned in, placing my head in the crook of his neck. Being around Luke and Ash made me feel safe, and that I was actually wanted somewhere. I feel the same way when I'm around all of the boys, but especially Luke and Ashton.

"Flight attenedants, please prepare yourselfs for take off in a few minutes, thank you." Someone said, sounding slightly over excited over the speaker. "So Wren, have you ever been abroad before?" Asked Calum. I shook my head, and a smile appeared on my face. "Nope. This is my first time; and I am super excited to see the rest of the world!" I jumped a little in my seat, and he smiled. "Have you ever been abroad before today?" I asked. They all nodded. "Yeah, we've been many times. The rest of the world is a fantastic place." I smiled too, and set about digging out my headphones, and setting a playlist.

I drove by all the places
We used to hang out getting wasted.
I thought about our last kiss,
How it felt; the way you tasted.

And even though your friends tell me your doing fine!
Are you somewhere feeling lonely,
Even though he's right beside you?
When he says those words that hurt you,
Do you read the ones, I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wander,
Was it just a lie?
If what we had was real,
How could you be fine?
Cos I'm not fine...

I remember the day you told me you were leaving.
I remember the makeup running down your face.
And the dreams you left behind,
You didn't need them,
Like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia!
And forget about the stupid little things.
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next,
To you.
And the memories I never can escape,
Cos I'm not fine at all.

The lyrics played in my head whilst flashes of memories zipped by, short clips of lifetime changes, possibly only for a short time. I curled myself up next to who/whatever was next to me. It was smooth, and very loud, some patches were rough, or broken. (Im talking about the window air plane) I decided to fight against the loud noise, vibrating on my face, and continued viewing the small clips of my life in my head.

The pictures that you sent me,
They're still living in my phone.
I'll admit I like to see them,
I'll admit I feel alone.

And all my friends keep asking why I'm not around.
It hurts to know your happy, yeah,
It hurts that you've moved on.
Its hard to hear your name
when I haven't seen you in so long.

Its like we never happened,
Was it just a lie?
If what we had was real,
How could you be fine?
Cos I'm not fine...

I remember the day you told me you were leaving.
I remember the makeup running down your face.
And the dreams you left behind,
You didn't need them,
Like every single wish we ever made.

I was woken up to Luke nudging me in the sides with his elbow. I stretched out in my seat, and unplugged my headphones from my phone. "Oh, Hello sleepy head." I laughed at Ashton's comment towards me, and smiled. "Yeah, Hello to you too Ash." He too smiled, and laughed. "How long is there to go until we land in wherever we're going?" Someone coughed behind me, and they spoke up. I turned round to see who was talking. "We've been flying for about 4 hours, and we've got another 7 to go, but we stop halfway between Australia for a top up of fuel, and to check the plane and stuff, for about 8 hours, and then we board the plane again, for another 4 hours, and then we reach Brisbane Airport, in Queensland, Australia." I gasped for excitement before Michael could even finish his sentence. "Australia?!! Are you for real? I LOVE Australia! My favourite place in the world and-.." Calum then concluded the rest of my sentence. "Well, now you get to go to Australia. We're originally from Australia so all of our family live there." I couldn't stop smiling, I swear I looked like a complete idiot. "Haha... Ahh. This is a dream come true, it really is."

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