Chapter 18

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Wren POV

"Okay then. So we take it in turns going to 21... Whoever lands on 21, gets truth or dare." Calum explained, and seemed like a fairly simple game. "Okay... Who's going first?" I asked, looking around, and directing my glaze towards Michael, and Calum. "Why dont you go first babes?" Luke said, linking our fingers together, sending a warm comfort feeling running up my spine, like a blanket being wrapped around me. I nodded, and started off. "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" .... "19" Thankfully, I ended up with the number 20, so I didn't get the truth/dare. "20" Michael was next to me, meaning he got the truth or dare. "Mikes, truth or dare?" Calum asked, looking rather devishly at him, hoping he would pick dare. But to his dismay, he didn't. "Truth.." We all went to the other side of my room, huddled together, and thought of a truth. "What about... If you were to die in the next 5 minutes, what would you do? Or, if you could only have 1 thing in the whole world, what could you choose?" "Na.." Ash said, shaking his head, clearly obvious he didn't like the ideas being suggested. I could clearly hear what they were saying; they were quite rubbish at whispering anyway.. XD "What about..." Luke said, before thinking for a few seconds.. "If you could go out with anyone of us.. Who would it be??? Apart from Luke?"

They finally decided on a question, and wandered back over to me. "So Wren. We have a question for you." Said Calum, smirking, looking my way. "If you could choose between any of us, if you weren't dating Luke, who would it be?" Wasn't what I heard. "Urm.... I'm not entirely sure. You're all pretty good looking chaps to be honest. I would be stuck to choose. Haha..." The game stopped, as we all got bored and found it no longer fun.


Sorry this is so short, its just a filler for you guys. Next one is going to be longer.... Promise! :) xx

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