Chapter 7

17 0 0

Wren POV

"Here's your new room.." Alex said, smiling. The room was very large. The bed was in the centre of the room, with creme, and brown duvet cover placed on top of the mattress. White fur was placed under the bed, with a leather chair and foot stool, to the side, with 2 desk lamps either side of the double bed. A flat screen TV was in direct vision of where the bed was, giving me the privilege of watching it whenever I wanted. Several DVDs were placed next to the shiny screen, with a display cabinet full of other DVD collections. Over in the far corner, were 2 short sofas, a coffee table placed in front, and a massive window next to it. I pulled my luggage over to my bed, before wandering over to the massive window and looking out. It had an amazing view, looking over the valley, with the beach in the far distance; seagulls to be heard for miles.

"Are you sure this is my room?" I asked, turning to Leon and Alex. They both nodded again. "Yes.. Its all yours." I smiled, walking back over to them, pulling them in for a group hug. "Thank for adopting me, and thank you for my wonderful room. I really appreciate it all." We all pulled away, and I meandered back to my bed. "Don't bother unpacking everything. I'll explain later why, but please, male yourself at home." Leon and Alex turned, leaving myself alone in my room.

Several hours later, a sound of a doorbell went, and I wandered across to the window, to have a look at what the big fuss seemed to be about. 4 boys entered through the door, smiling, and carrying many bags. I moved away, and stood in my doorway. Footsteps came upstairs, and I ran across to the small sofas, and sat down, looking out the window. "Haha! That was so funny... Ah my gosh. The fans are just the best fans. I can't wait to see them all again in just 4 days." It was clear they weren't from around here. Shuffles and silences were made from next door, and inched towards my doorway. A head was popped around the door, and I looked over to see who it was.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were in here... I-..." A boy with brown hair spoke. I interrupted him, cutting his sentence short. "No, no. Its okay. My name's Wren. Nice to meet you." I smiled, beckoning them to come in, and sit down on the sofas I was sat on. They shyly came in, but soon all ran over to me. "Ashton, Ashton Irwin." "Michael Clifford. But you can call me Mike. I don't mind." He smiled, his hand out, gestering for me to shake it. I did. "My name is Luke Hemmings." "Calum Hood." "So, tell me about yourself Wren." I had now learnt his name was Ashton. "Urm,... I'm 16, turning 17 on the 12th March. I have recently been adopted to Alex and Leon, and I have a twin sister called Cath, who is still at the adoption centre, waiting to be adopted. I have many interests, and I love my music." I nodded, smiling a little.


I'm really sorry about this being a late, and short chapter, but I have been really busy, as I have a major Spanish exam coming up, so I'm trying to revise and everything, and then trying to fit in Wattpad, is a little hard. My exam is this Wednesday, so I shall be back to normal then. :)

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