Chapter 8

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Wren POV

*next day*

I had set an alarm for 11am, as Alex and Leon had some business to discuss with myself, and the boys. I wandered downstairs at approximately 10am, but to discover that Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Luke were all downstairs eating their breakfast. "Morning Wren." They all said, mostly in time with each other... Although Luke was a little out of time. I giggled slightly, smiling. "Hi boys." I sat down next to Ashton, taking some pancakes from the middle of the table, and placing them on my plate. "Morning Wren." Leon said, kissing me on the forehead, as he sat down opposite me. I was a bit startled by his action, but Leon smiled, mentally telling me that is was just some kind gesture. I smiled too, before tucking into breakfast.

Once breakfast was over and down with, we all went down into the basement, but to my surprise, it was a recording studio and a meeting room. A swipe of a special card, and the door automatically opened, and closed behind the last person to enter through. A large table with chairs was placed in the middle of the room, with an interactive whiteboard was at the front of the room. Michael and Ashton sat down next to each other, with Myself, Luke, and Calum sat opposite; with Calum and Luke either side of me. Alex and Leon were stood at the front. "Welcome everyone, especially Wren into this wonderful family." Applauses echoed around the room, before quickly dying down. "Okay then... Today's business. Tour. Tour is just 3 days away, and with Wren onboard this journey, we need to discuss some items." Leon spoke. I sat there, nervously in my seat, my left leg bobbing up and down.

Luke gently placed his hand on my knee, in attempt to calm my nerves, but it didn't seem to help that much. "Wren, have you ever wanted to travel the world?" Alex asked, smiling straight at me. "Of course! I've always wanted to see what everything looks like outside of London." I replied. Leon nodded. "Have you ever been on a plane before?" I shook my head. His face turned from a light, happy mood, to a concerned, cold look. "Okay then. You are going to be coming on tour with us all.. Loud concerts, screaming fans,-" Alex was interrupted by the discussion of Ashton, Luke, and Calum. "Woo! The fans are just the best. Wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for them." Leon nodded, so did Alex. "Yes. The fans are amazing. As I was saying.... Screaming fans, loud concerts, stalker fans, and constantly going on travel." Alex continued.

"This seems amazing!" I was so excited about going on tour, and getting to see the rest of the world. "It is.. But your not used to all of this. So, let's just see how this goes." Luke said, smiling. Butterflies arose, twisting, and gliding around, doing Summersaults in the given space of my stomach. I nodded, agreeing with everyone, and what they'd said. "Wren, could you go upstairs for a second? I need to discuss something with the boys in private." I nodded, opening the door, and heading upstairs to the living room.

Alex POV

"Okay then... This seems to be going really well," Michael said. I nodded in agreement. We need to keep a low profile to Wren, and not let her know who the boys actually are. You readers probably do. This is 5 Seconds Of Summer... But Wren can't know who they are. "Why do we have to keep a low profile to Wren? She seems so sweet and innocent, and to lie to her now, is just going to ruin her trust we have with her, WHICH we are currently trying to gain." Ashton said, emphasising the word 'which'. He had a good point. "You have a good point Ash, but it is likely that she knows who you are, and we can't tell her now." I replied, in a more stern, forceful voice. "But why?!" Luke chipped in. "She's going to find out at some point, so we might as well tell her now, because if she finds out we have been lying to her, she's going to be more upset than if we just told her." Calum and Michael also went along with with Ash and Luke.

"Please boys, this is for the best." They all shook their heads in disagreement to myself. "I'm going to tell her at some point. Its now or wait til it gets worse." Luke got up, and walked out. So did, Ash, and Calum. Michael soon followed.

Wren POV

I walked into the living room, and plumped myself onto the large comfortable sofa. The TV turned on, and put in a DVD. It was a DVD of a band called One Direction, and it looked quite interesting. The name ringed bells in my head, but I thought nothing of it. I heard small talk made, but couldn't make out what they were saying. I didn't want to be rude, by listening in, so I just kept watching. They finally came upstairs after a few minutes, and sat down next to me on the sofas. "One Direction! Ah, they're the best. Cool guys too..." Ashton said, nodding, while watching the DVD. I turned to look at him, slightly gasping that he has met some famous singers.

"You've met them?!" He nodded, so did Luke. "Yeah, we all did. We've known them for awhile, and we meet up sometimes. Next time we meet up, you can tag along too if you'd like." I nodded, smiling like a small child on Christmas day. "I would love to.." Luke smiled, staring at me. A wink from his eye sent small shivers around my body, and I turned back to the Movie.

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