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"Let her go!" Bambam shouted which caused everyone to look their way. "Not until you let her go first." Wonwoo coldly stated in an angry tone. If looks could kill, Bambam would have been already dead.

Mina was now feeling the pain on both her hands from the tight grips. Bambam noticed it and released his hands.

"Before you go, I would like to ask whether you're free this Saturday." Kunpimook asked her curiously. "I'll text you about that Bambam-shi." Mina shyly responded.

Mina knew this could be the chance to forget Wonwoo and move on with Bambam but her heart didn't feel right.

Mina excused herself and apologized to Bambam as she had to go since a certain person came looking for her.

"Your parents are with my dad and your mom asked me to look for you."

"You could have waited until I finished talking with Bambam-shi." By the tone of her voice, it was visible that she was annoyed with him.

He didn't say anything further and the two of them headed to where their parents were. "Oh you guys are here." Mr.Myoui proudly watched the two teenagers get near them. Even Bohyuk tagged along with the elders and was smiling when he saw them.

"Congratulations both of you for successfully completing your high school." Both families complimented the two for their hard works.

"Now that you're here, your dad and I planned on inviting Mr.Jeon and his sons over for dinner at our place. I need you to help me with the shoppings Mina when we get back."

But before Mina could reply, Wonwoo turned to Mrs.Myoui, "You can stay back Mrs.Myoui I'll help her with it." Mina didn't know why he was doing this to her. Him being generous and helping her didn't make sense at all. After all those cold direct rejections and insults, why would he agree to help her?

"What a wonderful son you have got Mr.Jeon." Mrs.Myoui praised Wonwoo while Mr.Myoui agreed with her. "Hahaa please don't mention it. So I guess it's time we return back."

The program for the day ended well and now everyone was on their way home. It was now five and the Jeons arrived at the Myoui's place. Mina waited for Wonwoo to go to the market together. When she saw him she went out after telling her parents that they would be back soon.

"Which university are you planning to go to?" Mina decided to break the ice.

"I haven't decided yet. What about you?"

"Same here I though of deciding it soon."

The market was fifteen minutes walk from Mina's house so it was quick. After having reached there, Mina bought the things which were written on the list by her mother while Wonwoo helped her.

On the way back Mina suddenly remembered the incident which neither of them brought up. I should probably thank him for that.

"Wonwoo-shi I-I just wanted to thank you for saving me last time."

"Oh that? If some other person was in my place they would have also done the same. But that doesn't mean I was being nice to you."

Mina just nodded understanding what he meant. I know, to him that hug wouldn't even mean a thing, why are you getting hyped about it Mina? She questioned herself.

While she didn't say anything and continued to walk silently, her phone rang. It was Bambam and she quickly picked it up.

"Hello Mina-shi what are you doing just now?" Bambam asked happily and Mina could hear the excitement in his voice. "I came to the market to buy some vegetables and I'm on my way back home." She replied back forgetting that Wonwoo was beside her.

The call went on for a while and now Wonwoo was getting more annoyed by the way they talked. So he took two steps at a time and went ahead leaving Mina behind. She noticed it and ended the call and ran towards Wonwoo. They now reached a dark hallway where no one was around so Wonwoo stopped in his track.

"Do you like him?"

"Why does it matter to you whether I like him or not?"

"Answer my damn question Mina!" Yelled Wonwoo angrily shocking Mina with his expression. She was scared for her life to which she couldn't control her tears and didn't know what to do.

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