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The next week arrived in a blink of an eye and today was the day Mina was supposed to meet with Mr.Jeon and Bohyuk.

She got dressed in her Minty hoodie with sweatpants and was ready to go. She informed her housemaid that she would be going and requested her to tell her parents for her.

Mina hailed a taxi and told the driver the location of Mr.Jeon's house. Having reached the place, she thanked the taxi driver and went towards the gate of the house.

She rang the doorbell and waited for a while. Soon a middle-aged woman opened the door.
"Hello~ you must be Myoui Agashi, Mr.Jeon told me to accompany you to mangnae Bohyuk's room upstairs, please follow me." Mina nodded at the woman and quietly followed her.

The sight of Bohyuk welcomed Mina and she looked around his room. It was brightly painted and had all the things organized.

"Let's begin with the subject you think is the hardest, shall we?" Mina asked. The little teenager nodded and took out his books. The tuition was to be conducted for three hours, four days a week.

The study session ended for the day and Mina came to know that Bohyuk is a well mannered and bubbly boy who listened to her the whole time attentively and did his assigned work sincerely.

The two of them went downstairs and Mina was about to leave when the ajumma insisted her to stay late for dinner and inform her parents that she would be coming home a little late.

Since Mina didn't have any works at home she decided to stay and help the older woman in the kitchen. She had learned how to cook from her own maid at home as she knew that one day she would have to be on her own.

"Gatta wassuh (I'm back from somewhere)." Mina instantly recognized the owner of the voice who entered the house and didn't know how to react.

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