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Bambam's text somehow calmed her down and she looked forward to seeing him today. She knew she had to give him an answer soon but she wasn't sure if she would be able to like him back. If only she didn't like Wonwoo, things would have been easy for her.

Bambam texted her in the morning telling her to meet him near the restaurant which they were going to be dining in for lunch. She got dressed up in a blueish minty colored dress, did her hair and told her parents she would be out with one of her friends.

She didn't have any tutoring sessions with Wonwoo's brother so she could take her own time and reach back home late. It was around eleven in the morning when she left her house and headed towards the location Bambam has asked her to meet at.

She soon reached the place but didn't find any sign of Bambam. She waited for him, thinking he might have been stuck in the traffic or maybe had some other things to do. Hoping he would arrive soon, she played some games in her phone until it was already two in the afternoon. Now her phone battery was also dying and she decided to call him but it was unreachable.

"What are you doing here alone?" A voice asked her when the tall figure appeared infront of her. Mina remembered what happened the day before and decided not to reply or look at the person.

"Oh, now we're playing the silent game here, aren't we?"

Still Mina didn't reply and continued to not look at him. The quiet girl's phone rang and it was Bambam. She went a little far from Wonwoo and answered the call.

Wonwoo watched and observed her from behind while she talked on the phone with Bambam.

"Ah is that so Bambam-shi? Please take care of your mother, I hope she gets well soon. Don't worry about meeting me here. Do what's important to you first." Mina replied assuring Bambam that it was okay and she wouldn't mind anything.

Mina turned around to go back home but noticed Wonwoo was still there. "So he stood you up, I see." Mina didn't reply anything back since she was not in the mood to argue or talk with him.

She was tired with all his harsh insults and teases, still he wouldn't stop. Whenever he was around, she always felt inferior and scared ever since the incident happened last time.

Wonwoo being here and thinking about Bambam not informing her sooner that he wouldn't be able to reach here made her feel down and she wanted to cry. But if she cried just now it would ruin the atmosphere once again and things will turn even more worse. So she held it inside and got ready to go home.

She walked a few steps completely ignoring Wonwoo who was looking at her. As she reached five to six steps further, a hand brushed against hers which sent electric signals and the same feeling came back rushing in.

She knew this was one of his tricks to control her, so being aware of his intentions she roughly shoved away his hands from hers but he was too strong. His grip tightened more and she brought her left hand to where he placed his hands but it was a failure.

"Don't you like it that I'm holding your hand?" Wonwoo smirked at her. "Isn't that what you wish I would do to you?" By now his grip was getting more strong and it was hurting her. The people passing by looked concernedly at the two of them.

"Let go of my hand Jeon Wonwoo!" Mina winced in pain. He loosened the grip but still didn't let go of her hands. "I told you to freaking let go of my hand you jerk." It was like adding fuel to the fire and Mina was on verge of tears.

She for once and all shoved away the strong hand as fast as she could and ran away feeling disgusted at Wonwoo's behavior.

"Minari? What are you doing here?" Hong Jisoo came across Mina on his way, who was sobbing. The sight of Joshua was a blessing to Mina and she ran towards him feeling relieved to see him.

"Why are you crying Mina? Oppa's here don't cry, tell me what happened." Joshua hugged Mina and patted her head trying to stop her from crying.

Wonwoo followed Mina and saw the presence of Joshua who was comforting Mina.

"It would be better if you stay out of this matter hyung." The tall guy warned the elder guy with a piercing look full of anger sending chills down both Joshua and Mina's body.

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