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Mina hesitantly stood there for a while, wondering if she should go inside or not. She knew Wonwoo as the cold unreachable guy but why was he being kind and inviting her inside when he said there's no one inside?

Maybe going inside wouldn't be a bad thing to do, after all she will get to know him if she accepted his offer and spend some time with him.

"Are you really inviting me in?"

"If you don't want to, I'm clos-"

Mina cut Wonwoo off, "No!" and tiptoed inside quickly. Little did Mina know that this action caused Wonwoo to smirk secretly.

"I made this for you all, it's a Japanese dish which I prefer eating aside from ketchup and eggs." Mina handed over the soba and tempura dish to Wonwoo shyly not being able to look at him.

Wonwoo took the obento dish and didn't say anything. Not even a 'thanks'. The Japanese girl didn't know what else to do then just staring around the living room. A picture frame of Wonwoo when he was a little boy caught Mina's attention.

She couldn't stop staring at the picture and unconsciously let out a "kawaii!" The tall guy knew basic Japanese and heard the word clearly, knew what it meant but pretended he didn't hear it.

Mina blushed at the instant realization of what she had just blabbed out and covered her mouth.

The door bell rang and this in a way helped Mina cover up her embarrassment. Wonwoo headed towards the door to open it.

"Wonu, we came to visit you." An excited Joshua entered the house followed by Jun, Mingyu and two other girls who the host didn't know of.

"These two hyungs wanted to meet you, Wonu." Mingyu smilingly said.

"Come inside."

"Who's this girl?" Junhui asked while others curiously looked at her.

Before Wonwoo could answer, Mina surprisingly cried, "Joshua-oppa?"

"Minari, what are you doing here?" Joshua asked raising an eyebrow.

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