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After having reached school, Mina took out her books and got ready for the classes. Wonwoo's seat was a few tables front of hers so she secretly glanced at him.

She was admiring his back features and was amazed at how muscular he was when he turned back to her and had a short eye contact.

It was so sudden and she didn't expect him to look at her as well. She quickly diverted her eyes on the table and pretended that this short moment didn't happen.

Soon their Science teacher came to the class and started distributing papers for the test. Some students sighed while others were excited about the test.

Mina was calm and didn't panic since she already studied last night. After forty minutes the class ended and it was recesses.

As she was going to the flower garden nearby the class, she saw Wonwoo with one of the girls from other class. She started tensing and heard the girl say "I like you very much, please accept my feelings." But Wonwoo threw away the present the girl gave him and without uttering a word went away.

Mina was kind of glad that he didn't accept the girl's confession but a part of her was sad for the girl and wondered if she should continue liking him or not.

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