XLIV. Marauding with Caution

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Sirius smiled faintly. “Well, using the map for marauding purposes will probably help my mood.”

“Good,” James said. “I’ll go get it.”

“Wait,” Remus said. “Let’s all go up to the dormitory. We can’t use it down here in the common room where anyone can see it.”

“Fair point,” Sirius said. “Let’s go upstairs.”

They went up to the dormitory together, and watched James dig the map out of his trunk. He made a great display of touching it with his wand.

“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”

Ink lines spread across the parchment, displaying all of Hogwarts. Tiny, named dots moved about the castle as the students hurried back to their common rooms before curfew. The boys crowded around the map, watching it in fascination.

“I don’t care how old I get, I’m never going to get tired of watching this,” Remus said with a touch of awe in his voice. “This is amazing.”

“Where should we go?” Peter asked.

“Let’s go check out the secret passages out of the castle,” Sirius suggested. “I want to make sure that they haven’t been blocked or anything.”

“Good plan,” James said studying the map closely. “It looks like our path to this one should be clear,” he added, indicating the first passageway they had discovered.

Peter smiled fondly. “Remember when we found that in third year?”

“Back when we were young?” Sirius laughed. “Doesn’t that seem like it was ages ago?”

James glanced at his watch. “If we’re doing this, we need to go now. I have to be back in time to patrol with Lily.”

Remus laughed. “Well, now you know how it feels.”

“It won’t matter if we run a bit behind, right?” Sirius asked. “I mean, you can be a little late, can’t you?”

“Sirius,” James said, his annoyance quite apparent, “I’m Head Boy. I can’t be late. Not anymore.”

Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Well, this is going to put a new spin on this year.”

“Come on,” James said. “We need to get moving.”

Remus cleared the map, and put it in the pocket of his robes. He led the way through the corridors. The boys made it to the first passageway without incident. Thrilled to discover that it hadn’t been sealed, they let themselves into the tunnel that led to Hogsmeade.

“Do you want to follow it?” Sirius asked.

“I’d love to,” James said, his eyes lighting up.

“Ooo, can we?” Peter asked eagerly.

“Do we have time?” Remus asked, giving James a pointed look.

James glanced down at his watch. “If we hurry,” he said. “We just can’t stay in Hogsmeade too long, that’s all.”

Remus nodded. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

They hurried down the tunnel, emerging in a back alley of Hogsmeade. Because it was so late, most of the shops had closed. The Three Broomsticks and the Hog’s Head were both still open, as were several restaurants. The boys glanced at them, but decided against stopping. James wasn’t sure he had enough time before he had to be back.

“You know, this isn’t working,” Sirius sighed as they wandered around the darkened streets. “I’m still thinking about this whole thing with Carrie.”

The Marauder's Tale  [MOONY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT, & PRONGS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt