XXXIX. Making It Work

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"Finally back."

"We just spent the holidays at that palace you call a house, and you're thrilled to be back at school?" Sirius asked incredulously as he and James pulled their trunks into the dormitory.

"Hey, Hogwarts has its benefits," James grinned.

"Could one of them be a lovely Gryffindor sixth year?" Peter teased.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," Sirius replied.

Peter laughed with him. "Sorry; I know I shouldn't feel your ego like that."

"You definitely shouldn't," James said.

"Ah, let them have their fun," Remus said.

He glanced at Sirius. Although his friend was trying to make light of the situation, there was a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Remus wanted to talk to him, but assumed it would be some time before the opportunity presented itself.

James looked down at his yet unopened trunk. "I'll unpack later," he said. "I want to go see Olivia."

"Wow," Peter said. "I've never seen you so excited to find your girlfriend when we got back after a holiday."

James shrugged, and grinned. "Olivia's not like Veronica or Danielle. She's special."

Sirius scowled. He turned away so that James wouldn't see his face.

"Well, I'll catch up with you guys later," James said. He waved as he left the dormitory.

"He's got it bad, doesn't he?" Peter chuckled.

Remus didn't respond. He looked at Sirius in time to see him seize a glass from a nightstand and fling it at the wall. The glass shattered, sending its shards all over the room.

"Oh, boy," Remus sighed.

"What's going on?" Peter asked nervously. "Sirius, what's wrong?"

"Bloody hell!" Sirius yelled, throwing another glass against the wall.

Peter looked at Remus, who shook his head. They both knew that Sirius wasn't ready to talk yet.

After several more glasses had shared the fate of the first two, and several books had been haphazardly thrown around the room, Sirius turned to face his friends. His face was set, his eyes blazing. Peter and Remus looked at one another again. Sirius didn't look much better.

"How the hell can he do it?" Sirius asked. He sank down onto his bed. "Why now? Why did he have to wait until now to go after Olivia?"

"From what I've heard, Olivia went after him," Remus said delicately.

"But he accepted her! Didn't he realize - didn't he know --?"

"Sirius, that isn't fair, and you know it. You didn't admit that you liked Olivia until after she and James had already started their relationship. How was James supposed to know that you liked her if you hadn't said a word?"

Peter looked from Remus to Sirius in shock. Sirius liked James' girlfriend?

Sirius shook his head. "This is as bad as if I started dating Lily."

Peter's mouth dropped open. Remus only narrowly avoided the same shocked expression.

"Sirius, that's going too far," Remus said slowly. "James was in love with Lily for years. You only just started liking Olivia. You can't even compare the two."

"Yes, I can!" Sirius yelled.

"Sirius, think it through," Peter said quickly. "Remus is right. It's not the same."

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