XXII. Fallible

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"Hi, guys!"

James and Sirius looked up from their game of wizard chess as Remus entered the common room, dragging his trunk with him.

"Hey!" James exclaimed. "Need some help?"


James grabbed one end of the trunk to carry up to the dormitory. Sirius walked ahead of them, opening doors as they went.

"Where's Peter?" Remus asked as the entered the dormitory and dropped his trunk with a thud.

"Not back yet," James replied. "Did you have a nice holiday?"

"It was great," Remus grinned. "And I brought Christmas presents back for both of you."

"Really?" Sirius said. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know," Remus replied. He rummaged around in his trunk, and produced two identical packages. He handed one to each boy. "Happy Christmas!"

James and Sirius tore open the wrappings to unveil two identical mirrors. Both were about the size of a book. They looked at them in confusion.

"Um, is this a comment on our egos?" James asked tentatively.

"No," Remus grinned. "But I thought it might be useful when you're assigned separate detentions - incidentally, have you been given detention yet?"

Sirius laughed. "No, we've only been back for a couple hours. Actually, I've been back for more like five hours, but James hasn't been here that long. And we've been avoiding all teachers since we got here." He flipped the mirror around in his hands. "So how is this supposed to help us?"

"Say James' name into it."

Sirius looked at James, and shrugged. "James Potter!" he said clearly.

Both boys gasped as they watched their own faces vanish from their mirrors only to be replaced by each other's.

"What's going on?" James asked. His voice seemed to be in stereo; it came from him, and from the mirror Sirius held.

"Remus, what is this?" Sirius asked, his own voice echoing just as James' had.

Remus grinned broadly. "You can use them to communicate. Just say the name of the person who has the other one, and that person will appear in your mirror. That way you can talk to them without actually being anywhere near them. It's way better than floo powder."

"Definitely," James said, still in awe of the mirror. He was now holding it as though it were one of the crown jewels. "Where did you find these?"

"In a shop in Diagon Alley," Remus replied. "As soon as I saw them, I knew I had to have them for you guys."

"Did you get yourself one, too?" Sirius asked.

Remus shook his head. "They only come in pairs. And I don't intend to spend nearly as much time in detention as you do. You need them far more than I do."

Sirius and James looked at each other, and grinned.

"Thanks, Remus," Sirius said. "This is the best present."

"Yeah, thank you so much," James added. "You're the best, Remus."

Remus grinned again. "You're welcome. Use them well, gentlemen."

"Oh, don't you worry," Sirius laughed, "we will." He placed the mirror reverently on his nightstand. "I'll take good care of you, my friend."

Remus shook his head. "So, how were your holidays?"

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