XXV. The Horror of War

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"We need to practice tonight," Sirius said.

"We have Quidditch tryouts tonight," James replied without looking up from his Astronomy homework. "Why does it have to be tonight?"

"The full moon is next week," Sirius answered. "If we can master this between now and then, we'll be able to go with Remus."

"Sirius, be reasonable," James said, finally looking up and putting down his quill. "What makes you think we can master this in a week? We've been working on it for almost two years, and nothing's happened yet."

"This could be it, though," Sirius protested. "This could be our year! I know you want it as much as I do."

"Fine," James sighed. "We'll do it tonight, but not until after the tryouts. I have to be there for that."

"Excellent! I'll go tell Remus and Peter."


The Quidditch tryouts turned out to be the shortest James had ever attended. Only four people came out to audition, which the entire team found to be extraordinarily odd.

"Adam would love to see this," Eric grinned. "He'd say that everyone knew he was irreplaceable."

Maggie smiled. "Well, for our sakes, I hope that at least two of them are really good."

The four candidates were all fairly good, but one of them, third year Kendra Watson, was obviously the best suited to be the new Gryffindor Keeper. They debated for a while over whom to select as a Beater, but in the end chose Bruce Davis. He was also a third year, and Maxx was certain that they could work well together.

"Just teach him everything that Adam taught you," Maggie said. "Okay, team, it looks like we're set for the season."

"You know, I'd love a season that didn't involve tryouts," James sighed.

"So would I," Maggie said wearily. "You're dismissed, everyone. See you later."

James hurried through his shower, changed quickly, and practically ran back up to Gryffindor Tower. He knew that the guys wouldn't expect him so early, but he still wanted to get there as quickly as possible. Every moment was one more they could spend working on their Animagi transformations.

All three of the boys were sitting together, working on Potions homework. Sirius was carefully explaining a concept to Remus and Peter. James paused for a moment, amazed by the patience his friend was displaying. He crossed the room slowly, as if convinced that this was a dream.

"Wow," he said as he approached him. "Sirius, since when did you become good at tutoring?"

Sirius grinned. "Well, isn't that a pleasant greeting? I'm fine, thanks, James, how are you?"

James made a face, and punched his arm. "Do you guys want to go now?"

"Yeah, sure," Peter said eagerly, jumping to his feet. "We didn't think you'd be back this early."

"Neither did I," James replied. "Tryouts went pretty quickly."

"I have the cloak," Sirius said, pointing to his bag. "I figured I'd save us some time, and bring it down early."

James nodded. "I guess we're set, then."

"Let's go," Remus said.

They crossed the common room, and Remus opened the portrait hole. James waited while his friends left the room, and turned around one last time. Lily, Dana, and Kathleen were sitting in the corner, chatting animatedly. Lily looked up just as James turned, and he caught her eye. He grinned at her, and winked. Lily's face turned beet red, and she quickly looked away. James grinned again, and followed his friends into the hall.

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