II. The Sorting

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II. The Sorting

By the time they arrived at Hogwarts, James, Remus, and Sirius were well on their way to becoming friends. As the train came to a stop, they collected their belongings, helping one another with their trunks. They moved toward the exit, trying not to trip over their new robes.

"Firs' years! Follow me!"

James looked up at the largest man he had ever seen. He was at least twice as tall as Mr. Potter, and had long, wild hair. A beard hid the lower half of his face. Even so, James could tell he was smiling.

"Firs' years!" he called again. "Jus' leave your luggage here, it'll be taken up to the castle for you."

"Who's he?" Sirius asked in shock

"Don't know," James replied. Remus shook his head mutely.

"My name's Rubeus Hagrid," he informed the students. "Jus' Hagrid is fine. I'm going to take you to Hogwarts. We're sailing there, so everyone find a boat - no more than four to a boat!"

James, Remus, and Sirius moved forward quickly, and all sat down in the same boat. A nervous-looking boy approached them.

"Can I join you?"

"Sure," James said, sliding closer to Sirius. "I'm James Potter, and this is Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. What's your name?"

"Peter Pettigrew," he said nervously.

Sirius wanted to laugh. Who'd be afraid to say his own name?

Remus gave him a reassuring look. This poor boy seemed even more nervous than Remus himself. Was Peter hiding something, too?

The boats began to move, and the students fell silent. After a moment, Hogwarts Castle came into view. The students caught their breath in a collective gasp. It was a stunning sight, with its towers and turrets, and lights blazing in every window.

The boats stopped, and Hagrid ushered them inside the castle. A stern- looking woman met them in the front hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she smiled. "I am Professor McGonagall. Please wait here for a moment. Once the other students are seated, the Sorting will begin."

James noticed that even when she smiled, Professor McGonagall somehow still appeared stern. She was going to be a tough teacher to fool. He'd have to work hard in her class, whichever it was.

Professor McGonagall left the room for a moment, and nervous whispers broke out all across it. Everyone was terrified about the Sorting. When McGonagall reappeared, the room instantly fell silent.

"It is time," she said. "Follow me, please."

They filed into the Great Hall, where all the older students were waiting. The students were seated at the four House tables, while the staff sat at a long table at the front of the room. James glanced up, and saw the stars shining down from the enchanted ceiling.

McGonagall arranged the students, and then placed a stool holding a very old hat - the Sorting Hat - in front of them. It began to sing the qualities of the four Houses. James listened carefully, even more convinced that he wanted to be in Gryffindor. Slytherin sounded awful - why would anyone want to go there?

Professor McGonagall began calling the students' names from a long, alphabetical list. James sighed. He hated alphabetical order. It took forever to get to Potter.

Sirius, however, was one of the first called. He marched up to the stool with a determined look on his face. He sat down, waiting for Professor McGonagall to place the Sorting Hat on his head. The last thing he saw before the Hat fell over his eyes was his cousin, Bellatrix. She was watching him from her place at the Slytherin table, her eyes narrowed. Sirius scowled, but then the Hat blocked his vision, and she disappeared.

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