VII. Friends and Enemies

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VII. Friends and Enemies

"Ah, Hogwarts, how I've missed thee."

"James, get a grip. We've been gone for like two weeks."

James turned to give Sirius a look of contempt, but ended up laughing.

"Such the drama queen," Sirius sighed.

"Hey!" James exclaimed. "Drama KING, if you please!"

"Now, boys, play nice," Remus said. "And get in the room already! This trunk isn't exactly light!"

James and Sirius laughed, and shoved their trunks all the way into their dormitory. Remus dragged his trunk in, followed by Peter.

"I have missed this place," James said honestly. He flipped open his trunk, and began unpacking. "I love being home, but it's not the same without you guys."

"Aw, I'm touched," Sirius said. Then he grinned. "Actually, I am really glad to be back. You guys have no idea what it's like at my house."

"Well, tell us, then," Remus urged. "Don't just act like your life is so much harder than ours - prove it."

Sirius laughed. "Well, if you insist. My parents are practically dark wizards, and my brother is all set to follow in their footsteps. My cousins hate me, with the exception of Andromeda, who was not present for Christmas dinner. Our house-elf is completely insane, and is completely devoted to my mother to the point that it's scary. There, I think that about does it. How was your Christmas?"

The three boys stared at him shock. None of them knew what to say.

"You must be joking," James said at last.

"Nope," Sirius replied. "It's true to the last syllable."

"Your parents are dark wizards?" Remus asked with a frown.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Sirius grinned. "Seeing that one of my best mates is the Defense Against the Dark Arts star student."

Remus flushed, but smiled. "How is it that you're not into the Dark Arts, then?"

Sirius shrugged. "Like I told you the first day on the Hogwarts Express, I don't like following my parents' example. I don't see the point of using magic for evil, and I certainly don't understand this Lord Voldemort character. I mean, does he honestly think this plan will work? Wait, you all did hear about him, right?"

"Oh, yeah," Remus replied. "You should have seen my parents. I thought they were going to explode. Actually, I'm surprised our house survived how angry they were. It's a good thing they aren't little kids, or they probably would have destroyed something without even realizing they were doing magic."

"So, I'm guessing they oppose our friend Voldemort?" Sirius grinned.

"That's putting it lightly," Remus said with a grin of his own.

"What about you two?" Sirius asked.

"My parents are like Remus'," James said. "They oppose Voldemort and all he stands for. My dad threw his underlings out of the house. My parents said something about Dumbledore, too. Something like he saw this coming, and is trying to stop it before it gets out of hand."

"I don't see what there is to stop," Sirius said. "I mean, how many people are loony enough to buy into this message? Kill half the wizarding world to make it stronger? It's insane!"

"I don't know," Peter said in a hesitant voice. "I think some people will think he's got the right idea."

Sirius swung around to face him. "Are your parents like mine? Dark Arts fanatics who are all for it?"

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