XXVII. New Information

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"You're sure you don't want to come home with me?" James asked as he prepared to leave for the holidays. "I'm sure Mum and Dad won't mind if you come."

Sirius shook his head. "I have to find out what's going on with my family."

"I don't like the idea of you going back to that house after what just happened with you and Regulus."

"Don't be such a mother hen," Sirius scowled.


He sighed. "No, don't say that. It's not your fault. Look, I don't like the idea of going there, either, but it's the only way for me to find out what's happening. For all I know, they've already sold my soul to Voldemort. This is something I have to do."

James nodded, and clapped Sirius on the back. "Well, good luck, then."

"Yeah, thanks."

James waved one last time, and left the room. Now Sirius was the only one left. Remus and Peter had left earlier that day. He sighed, and finished packing. He and Regulus would be leaving soon.

Their homecoming was terrible. Regulus would barely look at Sirius, and his parents were no better. They fussed over Regulus, telling him over and over what a good son he was. Sirius was miserable within the first hour, and already regretted his decision not to go home with James. How was he supposed to get through this long, long break without talking to anyone?

He nearly wrote to James begging for mercy and to spend the rest of the break with him. But he couldn't. He had been the one who wanted to see what was going on with his family. He would have to stick it out, and see it through to the end.

Things only got worse on Christmas day. His parents made a huge display of giving Regulus a dozen different presents, and only gave Sirius one. He didn't really mind; he was certain that all the gifts they gave would have something to do with the Dark Arts. Not surprisingly, his gift was a book of curses. He smiled to himself - his parents had inadvertently given him something he wanted. Maybe he could use some of these curses on Snape.

As the family assembled for Christmas dinner, Sirius noticed that Andromeda was absent. Wonderful - the one family member he had been looking forward to seeing wasn't there. Her sister was though, and Bellatrix, the Head Girl and perfect Slytherin, was the belle of the ball. Sirius decided to ask his mother about his favorite cousin.

"Where's Andromeda?" he asked. Narcissa and Lucius had just come in; it seemed like an appropriate time to ask.

"Andromeda?" Mrs. Black repeated. "Probably in a gutter somewhere, and good riddance to her! She's a blood traitor!"

"What are you talking about?" Sirius asked, completely confused. "What could Andromeda have done that is so awful?"

"I'll tell you what she did!" Mrs. Black shrieked. "She went and married a MUGGLE!"

Sirius gasped.

"That's right, you should be shocked!"

"Whom did she marry?" Sirius asked, trying to hide his grin.

"That horrid Ted Tonks, the one she brought to dinner last year," Mrs. Black spat.

"And now she's not coming to dinner?"

"She won't be coming to any family functions from now on. She's no longer a part of the Black family as far as any of us are concerned."

"Lucky girl," Sirius muttered under his breath.

"What's that?"

"Nothing," Sirius said quickly. He hurried away from his mother before she saw the beaming smile that was threatening to burst forth.

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