XII. Putting the Pieces Together

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Later that day, James was still thrilled over making the Quidditch team. He had already sent Owl to his parents with a letter containing the news. He knew they would be as excited as he was. His dad had always said that he would make the team. James was happy to prove him right.

They had run into Regulus at dinner, who was incredibly excited that James had made the team. He confided that Snape had not managed to earn the same position on Slytherin's team. If anything could have made James happier, this was it.

"I have the Quidditch meeting tonight, so I don't know when I'll be back to go over the Transfiguration notes, Peter," James said as they walked back from dinner. "Can we do it tomorrow instead?"

"Yeah, sure," Peter said good-naturedly. "Whenever you have time."

"We'll have to put off Defense until the day after," Remus added.

"Are you going to the Quidditch meeting, too?" Sirius grinned.

"No," Remus said. He looked down at the floor, watching where he placed his feet with each step. "I've got to go visit my mum. She's still not well, and my dad's really worried about her."

Sirius narrowed his eyes, and gave James and Peter a significant look. "Well, I hope she's feeling better."

"Sirius, she's obviously not," James said, quick to pick up the conversation. "Why else would Remus go visit her?"

Remus sighed. "I wish I could say she was better."

"So do we," Peter said. "I hope everything goes all right for you, Remus."

"Thanks," Remus said with a forced smile.

Sirius, Remus, and Peter continued on to Gryffindor Tower, but James left them to go to the Transfiguration room. He was nearly there when he heard someone behind him.

"Hey, James! Wait up!"

He turned to see Olivia hurrying toward him. "Hi," he said cheerfully.

"Thanks for waiting," she said as she drew up next to him. "I didn't want to walk in alone."

James hadn't thought about that, and was glad she had found him. "You're right," he said. "I don't want to either."

"Are you ready for our first team meeting?" Olivia grinned.

"You bet. Let's go!"

They walked into the room together, and found three of their teammates already there. Derek and Maggie were standing next to the blackboard, looking at diagrams of the Quidditch pitch. Eric was sitting at one of the desks.

"Hey, guys!" Eric called as they came in. "Come on over and sit down."

James and Olivia glanced at each other with smiles. It was great to feel welcome. They crossed the room, and sat down with Eric.

"Congratulations on making the team," he said with a grin. "Believe me, there was no contest. You guys were incredible! Were you practicing together before yesterday?"

"No, not at all," James said. "I had seen Olivia fly, but we never got to fly together until yesterday."

"Wow," Eric said. "We all thought you had been practicing together for sure. Oy! Derek! They said yesterday was the first time they flew together!"

Derek and Maggie both looked up in surprise.

"Really?" Maggie asked. "That's really impressive, guys." She left Derek, and sat down with them. "Let me welcome you to the team. I was really excited about how you guys worked together. I think between the three of us, our Chasers will be unstoppable."

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