XL. The Prank

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"So everything is okay between you and Sirius now?"

"So it would appear," James said. He leaned back against the sofa in the common room, pulling Olivia along with him.

"But I don't understand," she frowned, cuddling against his chest. "A week ago, you were ready to kill one another. How did you manage to work it out in a day?"

"We're guys," James said lightly. "Guys handle these things better than girls."

Olivia rolled her eyes, realizing too late that James couldn't see her face. "Well, I don't believe you. There must be something more behind this."

"Seriously, Liv, the important thing is that everything is back to normal," James replied. He wanted desperately to get away from this topic. "Hey, did you still want me to help you with that Transfiguration essay?"

Olivia pulled away from him so she could look at him. "James Potter, you are trying to change the subject."

"No, I just think that we should get our homework done."

"You don't worry about getting homework done early any more than I do," she shot back. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Look," James sighed. "Sirius and I just realized how much our fight was affecting our friendship with Remus and Peter, that's all. We had to fix it, or we were going to tear all four of us apart."

"And there's nothing else?"

"I'd rather keep the details between us guys, if you don't mind."

"James," Olivia said, clearly annoyed, "I'm your girlfriend. You should be able to tell me what's going on."

"Well, I think that I have," James replied stubbornly.

"Fine," Olivia said, standing up. "If you decide you want to tell me, I'll be in the library."

"I've never known you to be so into gossip. And, since when did you develop such a temper?" James asked, his anger beginning to surface.

"I've always had it," Olivia replied. "I just never saw the need to fight with you before."

"I don't see why you do now!"

"Because you're keeping secrets from me!"

"Honestly, Liv, I don't see what you're so upset about!"

"And I don't see why you can't tell me what's going on!"

"NOTHING is going on! I would tell you if something were!"

She gave him a cold glare. "I'll see you later."

James watched in complete confusion as she left the common room. What was that all about? He had no idea why she was so upset.

"Hey, Prongs."

James looked up as Peter came down the stairs from the dormitory. "Hey, Wormtail. Where are the others?"

"Still sleeping," Peter grinned. "I thought you were with Olivia?"

"She just left," James replied. "She's all mad at me over something."


"I don't have a clue." He shook his head, and reached up to clutch his hair. "I'm never going to understand girls."


"Are we late?"

"Yes. Again."

James laughed. "We need to start making it to McGonagall's class on time. If we get another detention this year, I think my parents might kill me."

The Marauder's Tale  [MOONY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT, & PRONGS]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin