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I looked around the circle and saw Carter and Taylor lower one finger each. Me being being the honest and truthful person I am, I found myself copying their action.

"No way," someone breathed.

"Nicole," said a deeper voice. I looked at Matt and he gave me a grave look.

Matt leaned in and wispered , "Come with me. Now." Full of a mixture of anger, sadness, and disappointment.

I followed my command and stood up. Matt grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the hallway, directing me to his room.

He opened the door, walked in pulling me in with him, closing the door behind me.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Care to explain?"

"Matt, just listen, okay?" He just stood there staring at me, his face full of multiple emotions. "It was Austin, alright. I realized I made a mistake after, I wasn't ready. I didn't know the true him, that's why. Matt, please just forgive me for that huge mistake?"

"I'm not mad because you slept with him, well maybe a little. But I'm mostly upset because you never told me. Losing your virginity is a big deal, and you never told me. Nicole...I thought you trusted me."

"I do! I trust you more than I do my parents, really. I...I just thought that you would be mad at me and leave me. I'm really sorry Matt, I was just scared." I said as I looked at the floor.

"Well, Nicole...sorry doesn't cut it,"

I felt my eyes get watery and I looked up only to meet eyes with him, exactly what I was trying to avoid doing. His eyes were also on the verge of crying.

"You should go," he said, his voice cracking in the middle.

I turned and left, walking to Nash's room.

I knocked and Taylor answered the door. He looked at me, the teary red-eyed mess I was.

"Nicole, you okay?" he asked as he embraced me in his strong arms. I couldn't hold anything in anymore, so I just stood there bawling into Taylor's chest.

After a minute of the rest of the guys and Mahogany trying to ask me what was wrong, Taylor loosened his gentle but strong grip, and then let go of me. He gently pulled me into the room, to all the rest.

Aaron approached me, and embraced me. Again, I started to cry, barely reaching Aarons shoulder. Less then ten seconds later, I felt a second pair of arms around me. I looked up and saw that those arms belong to Shawn.

"It'll be alright, Nicole," he whispered in my ear.

Not even five seconds after Shawn joined in, everybody started to join in on the group hug.

After a decent amount of time, I started to get hot, because I'm in the center of it all. We all broke apart and re-scattered around the room.

"So Nicole...what exactly happened...?" Nash asked.

I thought for a moment, quickly thinking if I can trust these people that I met less than seventy-two hours ago.

I don't care if I just met them, they are my new family. We're the Magcon family. And families shouldn't keep secrets from each other. So I decided to tell them.

I started from the beginning, and by beginning, I mean when we first met. I told them about Austin, and how shitty of a person he is. Then I told them what set Matt of.

"And then he told me that I -" I started, but was them cut off by the door opening.

Matt's head popped in, with the rest of his body following. He scanned the room while I avoided his eyes when they made their way to where I was sitting on one of the beds.

He walked further into the room, and sat down on the floor by Carter.

"...So what's up Matt?" Carter asked, trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"Oh nothing, just... nothing," he replied. I failed to fight the urge to look up, and when I did, he was already looking at me. His eyes were slightly pink, along with the area around his puffy eyes.

I looked around the room to try and avoid his stare, but wherever I looked, I still felt his eyes follow me, threatening to make me break down.

"...So I'm going to head to bed," Shawn said, attracting everyone's attention. Thank you Shawn! He looked at his phone, "yeah, it's quarter after two, and we have the show tomorrow."

"No, actually, its later today," Hayes joked.

"Whatever, night guys" Shawn said as hr got up off the floor, and walked towards the door.

"Yeah, me too," Mahogany said, getting off the bed and following Shawn.

"Same, night guys," I said and followed Mahogany.

I walked through the door and turned to where my room was. I walked past Shawn closing the door to his room, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I try to shrug it off, but the hand just lowered hown my arm, and grabbed my hand. I didn't have to turn to know who it was.

*Authors Note*

D@mn! Shit went down!
Hope you guys like this chapter, I had fun writing it, anyways.

Thank you for reading, I love you.

Stay kewl,

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