First Show

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Matt and I reached the dining room, and found the other members of our group.

They weren't hard to find, really. You just had to be able to hear. Entering the room, and hearing a bunch of shouts and loud laughter lead us straight to them.

We approached the table, hand in hand, grabbing everyone's attention.

Basically everyone but Mahogany looked at us with wide eyes, seeing our hands intertwined.

Cam let out a cheer, and Jack and Jack started to clap, which caused everyone else at it table to join in, despite the dirty glares that the neighboring tables were giving us.


We all finished our lunches, and then headed back up to our rooms to spend out two hours getting ready.

I skipped into my room, with Mahogany following me close behind. She plugged her phone into her little speaker that she brought, and started playing some music.

The first one went by, and I didn't bother asking what it was, because I didn't feel the connection with it.

The next song that came on I did know.

"If I could fly..."

I gasped, covering my eyes, trying to contain the tears that always threaten to spill over whenever I hear this song.

"I'd be coming right back home to you,"

I started to sing along, forgetting everything else at the moment, focusing on the beautiful voice.

"I think I might give up everything just ask me to..."

I heard the door, open but didn't bother to look back.

"Pay attention I hope that you listen, cause I let my guard down,"

I grabbed my phone off of the bed, and held it to my mouth, acting as if it was a microphone.

"Right now I'm completely defenseless..."

Then another voice jumped in, not being mine, or the voice in the speakers.

"For your eyes only, I'd show you my heart," I turned around, stopping at the extra voice that I heard.

"For when you're lonely, and forget who you are,"

I jumped in, "I'm missing half of me," singing as he walked closer to me, "when we're apart,"

He walked even closer, about a few inches away from me.

"Now you know me," he whispered as I stood there, silent, "for your eyes only..."

His arms wrapped around my waist, and mine went up, and wrapped themselves around his neck. We slowly swayed to the music, lost in the moment.


I grabbed my phone off of the charger on the nightstand, and quickly made my way to the door to exit the room. Everyone was already downstairs, ready to go to the venue where the show was being held.

Of course I lost track of time and was the one person that everyone was waiting on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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