Meeting and Greeting

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»Matt's POV«

Nicole was finally mine. I was finally hers. I was thrilled that she said yes. What really ticked me off was when Taylor, a viner that is also in MagCon, called Nic his "babe." Like dude, she's mine, paws off. Yeah, he probably doesn't know, well, nobody does. Except us and that flight attendant. But I've decided to give him a second chance because I haven't even met the guy.

We just got our bags, and we are now looking for Bart, the manager of MagCon.

"Matthew! Nicole! Over here!" We both heard someone call. We looked over and saw Bart. Nicole walked ahead of me, because I convinced her to let me carry her bag, that it is my job now.

We walked up to Bart and he led us to the limo. The driver got our bags and put them in the trunk. Nicole was practically bouncing off the walls from all the excitement she bottled up throughout the flight. I opened the door for her and she jumped in, probably landing on someone.

"Ouch!" I heard someone, a guy, yell. Yep, she jumped on someone.

I looked in and saw Nicole pretty much laying on a bright blue eyed boy that goes by the name of Nash. How can you not know about him? He's one of the most popular on vine.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry," she said, most likely blushing.

"It's okay, I'm Nash, and its nice to meet you," he said, even though it wasn't necessary.

"I know, I'm Nicole, and it's nice to meet you too," she said, staring into his crystal blue eyes. Nic is kind of a Nash Grier fan, she obsesses over him sometimes. Yeah, I sort of got jealous because she doesn't look at me like she does Nash, but I believe her when she says she loves me.

I got in and sat beside her. I want to let everyone know that we are an item, but I don't want to sound like a man-bitch so I'd rather not tell them through words, but I can through actions. I slipped my hand into hers, and she looked at me smiling, so I smiled back.

"Awwh, I totally ship Nichew...or Macole!" Mahogany said.

The rest of the ride, we got to know each other better. Taylor likes to rap, Jack & Jack sing and rap, and Shawn sings, which I already knew because who doesn't watch a bunch of people on vine?

We got to the hotel we were going to stay at for a few days. Bart told us the room assignments. I read it over;

Taylor and Aaron

Matt and Carter

Nicole and Mahogany

Nash and Cameron

Jack and Jack

Shawn and Jacob and Hayes

I wasn't paired with Nicole, but she wasn't with another guy, so that's okay. Carter and I are sharing a room, it's good that I like him already.

We all went to our rooms and got comfy. We have the whole next day rehearsing, the show is the day after that. We then get a whole day to ourselves, and then we leave to another place.

»Nicole's POV«

I was rooming with Mahogany, I honestly wouldn't care who I roomed with, as long as none of them are jerks. Mahogany is really nice, pretty, funny, and I can tell that she's going to be a great friend.

"Come on Nicole! Let's get settled! And I need to talk to you too!" Mahogany exclaimed as she pulled her suitcase and my hand.

When we got to our room, she opened the door, ran in and jumped on one of the two beds. I walked in and threw myself on the other one. We just stayed there for a few minutes just absorbing what is happening.

"So what's the deal with you and Matt? I mean I don't know him and his personality, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that's a player and holds everyone's hand from his vines that I've seen. Unless that's just your bestie relationship stuff..." Mahogany said. I swear she is interrogating me like I just committed a crime.

"Well, Matt..." I started but then the door flew open, saving me. I feel awkward talking about relationships and stuff like that.

Mahogany and I snapped our heads to the doorway, seeing three of the guys, Nash, Cameron and Hayes.

"Hi guys! We just wanted to tell you to come to our room after you're settled so we can all get to know each other even more." Cameron spoke, walking into our room.

"Okay, after we unpack. So, Nicole, what were you saying before they came in? did you open the door? You don't have a key to our room."

"Bart told us to bring this to you guys because you only took one, so here's the other. So you both have one," Hayes said, handing me the room key seeing Mahogany holding the other.

"Oh, alright, see ya when-" She said before I interrupted her.

"No, let's go now. They're all probably waiting for us already." I said and grabbed my wristlet with my phone and room key, then pulled Mahogany out of the room.

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