Feelings in the Airport

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»Matt's POV«

"How do you really feel about me?"

I froze, not knowing if I should tell her that I love her, and I want her to be mine, or if I should just use the best friend card. They're both the truth, one just missing the beef.

"Nicole, please understand what I'm going to say."

"Alright, what?"

"Nic, I love you with all my heart, I want to spend the rest of my life you. You're a perfect person inside and out. I have never met and will never meet a person as perfect as you." I said, "Now you tell me how you truly feel about me,"

"Matt, I love you too. You just explained how I feel about you when you were trying to explain how you feel about me."

I smiled like an idiot, knowing that she loves me the way I love her, "Okay."


Right after she left for dinner at her house, I ate and left to go to the store. I wanted to make her mine, but in a way only she will understand.

We have this inside joke, just between us. It has something to do with lemons, limes and oranges. So I went to the grocery store, and got one of each. And I know exactly how its going to be done.


Those next three days flew by, and now we were on out way to the airport. She was talking to our parents about how excited she is to be going. I was looking out the window, only half listening to what they were saying.

"Right Matt?!?" Nic asked.

"Huh? What?" I asked clearly absent from the conversation.

"Your super excited to be meeting your fans, right?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I want to?"

A few more minutes passed, then we arrived at the airport. We got all of our bags and got them checked in. Then we were off to security.

My stuff and I got through without any problems. Only I did though...

Nic walked through the scanner thing and it went off.

"I swear I'm not a druggie, I don't smuggle things other places! Please don't kill me!" She exclaimed out of shock while I was on the other side putting my shoes on and dying of laughter. Only Nic.

It turns out that her necklace set the scanner thing off. So nobody was killed or caught for smuggling whatever.

Our parents were able to get through security to say goodbye to us. They asked us if we were hungry, which I was starved. Nic would have to order something if I wanted to put my plan into action. I was nervous as hell that it wouldn't go as planed.

Luckily, she ordered something and got a seat. I told her I would bring her the food she, well we, ordered.

Easier Said Than Done // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now