Behind the Door

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I swiftly opened the door to see none other that the person I wanted to see the least at the moment.

"Nic-" he started before I interrupted.

"Matthew," I said in a flat tone.

He hesitated for a second before speaking again.

"C-can I come in? Please, I don't want to talk about this in the hallway."

I opened the door a bit more, and stepped along with it, signaling him to enter.

He took a few small steps and stopped right before my bed, and sighed, with his shoulders that rose and fell very noticeably.

"First off...I want to apologize for everything. I'm such an ass," he continued as I walked to his side and sat down, patting the spot next to me for him to sit, "I never intended to be that way to you, and I don't know what happened. I don't want you to hate me. I don't want to forget about you. I don't want you to leave me like you left Austin. I couldn't handle that. Nicole...?"

"Yeah?" I answered, so he could continue before I started with my improvisational speech.

"Do you think you could find that place in your heart, where we belong, and forgive me for being the idiot I am and for everything that I've done?"

"I think I can, but first..."

"But first...?" He said, copying my tone and imitating spot on, causing me to smile to little, which then caused him to grin back at me. I couldn't explain how much I needed this.

"Matthew, I'm also very sorry. I caused this all-"

"No you didn't," he interrupted, earning a light glare from me, before I took a deep breath and continued.

"And I want to say that I'm sorry for snapping at you, and being a total bitch, you think you could find a place in your heart to forgive me? Because it's tearing me apart thinking about how I couldn't go to you because we were both mad."

Before I could say anything else, his lips crashed into mine, caching me by surprise. I kissed back, feeling him smile into my lips.

"I guess that's a yes," I mumbled, earning a little laugh from both of us.

"I missed you," he whispered during the second or two he disconnected our lips to take a breath.

"And I missed you too," I replied, then he reconnect our lips.

Not more than five seconds later, the door clicked and Matt and I snapped our heads in that direction while scooting a foot apart.

"Is Matt in-" Mahogany started to say, but stopped after her head appeared and looked in the room. She made eye contact with him, then smiled and winked to me.

"I'll just leave you two alone...we're all having lunch in the buffet when you're ready to join us," she informed us, then gave me a thumbs up when Matt looked away, and backed out of the room while closing the door.

As soon as we heard the click of the lock locking, we both laughed.

After a minute spend calming down, We turned back to each other.

"We're all fine now, right?" He asked hesitantly.

"Only if I get another kiss," I said sarcastically.

"Anything for my princess," he responded, leaning in and kissing me again.

When we broke apart, we both laid back. I was looking at the fan that slowly and lazily spun around in a circle, while I could feel Matt's gaze fixated on me.

"Were you crying?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I don't remember, why?"

"You got a little," he pointed to his bottom eye lid, "something right here."

"Well, I was asleep before you knocked, it might be from that. And Matt?" I said and he gave me a questioning look, "You know that the show starts in three hours, right?" I asked, as my stomach roared in hunger, "and I think I'm a little hungry."

"Sounds like it," he said, which earned a laugh from me, and he returned a chuckle.

I got up, which caused Matt to look at me with a mixture of wonder and a little sadness in his eyes.

"I'm going to go wipe this something off my eyes," I answered, pointing to my eyes.

I made my way into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door or anything, as I got out my makeup supplies.

As I took out my makeup wipes, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I looked up in the mirror, making eye contact with the reflection of Matt that stood there.

I removed the mess under my eyes, and then reached for my actual makeup. I grabbed my tube of mascara, and started to open it.

Matt saw what I was doing, and held my hands in place, not letting me even wiggle my fingers.

"You don't need that," he said and took the tube out of my hands, closing it and putting it back to where I got it.

I looked at him like he was crazy, and reached for the tube again. He caught me in action, and pulled the mascara out of my grip and placed it back.

I swear, we were repeating that one thing for five minutes, before my stomach growled again, causing us both to laugh, and forget about my makeup.

We made ourselves look as presentable as possible, then left the room, and headed for the buffet.

I skipped over to the elevator, tugging a stumbling Matt along behind me. I pressed the downward arrow button causing the little circle to illuminate.


So, hope you liked it
And I hope you like my new cover!!
Anyways, have a good day, or night, or whatever.

Love you all!!


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