The Start

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»Nicole's POV«

Currently, I'm laying in the middle of my yard with my neighbor and my life-long best friend, Matthew Espinosa. We met in a weird way, let me tell you that. It's kinda a long-ish story, if you're up to hear it.

It was the first day of school, and I was going into kindergarten. Back then, we had a lot of play time. It was after lunch and recess when it all started. I was sitting all alone in the corner of the room playing with some blocks. I was minding my own business when this kid I slightly recognized walked up to me. He started with a simple 'hi' and I just smiled, being the shy kid I was.

"Hi! My names Matthew, but I want you to call me Matt!" He said with so much energy I had to feel welcome with talking to him.

"I'm Nicole," I simply said.

That's when he laughed and said, "I like your name!"

I just smiled...okay, I might have giggled too, but just remember I was five. After our little introductions, he stood up and told me to follow him.

I got up quickly because...well, I don't have a good reason, I just stood up. He grabbed my hand and walked up to our teacher.

"Ms.Willson! Ms.Willson! Look! I have a girlfriend!"

She just laughed it off and said a simple 'good for you'.

Then he dragged me to a small group of guys across the room playing with the mini cars.

"Holden! Jarrod! John! Look! I made a girlfriend!"

They jumped up and looked at me. Then smiled. Then started talking to me and introduced themselves.

"My name's John, and this is Holden, and that's Jarrod!" He said while pointing to himself then Holden, and then Jarrod. We then just played together until the day was over and we were sent to our buses.

To my surprise, Matt and I rode the same bus. Me being the loner I was, I sat in the very front seat behind the bus driver. After a few more people got on from various grades, Matthew popped his head up from behind my seat, looking at who sat in front of him.

"Hey, I remember you! You're.....Nicole! I know that because I like your name!" He said.

"Yeah, and you're Matthew and you told me to call you Matt." I replied.

We continued to talk for about 10 more minutes after that, then the bus driver stopped at my house.

"Bye, Matt!" I said and waved as I got off. Little did I know that he got off with me.

"Hey, this is my house!" He exclaimed pointing to the house to the right of us.

"That's my house!" I replied as I pointed to the house on the left.

"Cool! That means we can play together whenever we want!" He yelled as he ran into his house while I ran into mine.

And that was the start of our unbreakable friendship.

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