Back At The Hotel

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»Nicole's POV«

After getting back to the hotel we stayed in Nash and Cameron's room, talking about anything and everything. We got bored eventually and came up with an idea.

"Hey y'all, wanna play a huge game of hide and seek in the hotel?" Taylor asked.

"Everybody! Get a partner!" I yelled.

Not even two seconds after I said that, Mahogany latched herself onto my arm and wouldn't let go. I was in one corner of the room and sat and watched everybody scramble to find a partner.

I saw Matt try to make his way over to me. When his eyes met mine, his smile slowly faded. Now I feel bad, I hate seeing people upset, much less my boyfriend.

Mahogany saw Matt's face and released my arm.

"Oh, you two can be together if you want..." Mahogany said.

"No, it's fine, I basically live with her in Virginia, I'm surprised I'm not sick of seeing her," Matt joked.

"Eww, why is he talking to me, I'm sick of seeing his face!" I loudly whispered to Mahogany.

"Oh! I'm offended!" He said and put his hand to his chest, trying to act offended but failing miserably.

"Are you guys a threesome?" Carter asked.

"Woah, nooo! Dude, what the heck is wrong with you?" Matt said as his face began to redden.

"I ment a group of three!" Carter exclaimed.

"Besides, my health teacher told me to practice abstinence...Gosh Carter." I half joked.

"Come on guys, pick a team" Nash instructed.

"I'll be on what ever team, Mahogany and Nicole are a team," Matt said.

"Okay, which team is the seeker?" Aaron asked.

"My team," Matt said then stood with Nash and Cameron.

"Yeah, dude!" Cam said as he high-fived Nash and Matt. "You guys get two minutes, we'll text you in the group chat when it's up."

"Okay, and GO!" Nash yelled.

Mahogany and I sprinted out of the room and took a left turn into a little supply closet.

"They'll find us in here for sure, let's go to the pool," Mahogany suggested. We were in shorts and tank tops with our sunglasses on our heads, so we'll blend in just fine.

Just as we got out of the elevator, our phoned buzzed, indicating that our two minutes to hide were up.

I went over to someone's lawn chair and picked up the book that was lying face down. Mahogany went to the pool side bar, and sat down on one of the stools.

After I read a paragraph out of the boring, nonfiction book, I got a text from Matt asking where we were hiding.

Matt: Where are you?

Me: Hiding

Matt: Where?

Me: You think I would tell you and loose the game and bragging rights that we won?

Matt: I'll take that as a no...

Me: Bingo

Matt: You know, if you love me, you would tell me where you were

Me: Who said I love you? Jk

Matt: I guess you don't...

Me: Love you Matt

Matt: Love you too, now where are you?

Me: lol

After I sent that last message to Matt, I got a text form the group chat.

Nash: we will find you...

Nash (again): Btw, Aaron and Shawn are out

Good, were one step closer to wining. The groups that are left are Jack and Jack, Hayes and Jacob, Mahogany and I, and Carter and Taylor.

With four groups left, I, well Mahogany and I had more of a chance of winning. Matt kept asking, me where I was 'hiding'.

The pool isn't crowed, but it's not empty either. I'm still sitting in the same chair, nobody has approached me telling to get out of their spot. Mahoganystill over by the bar, it looks like she ordered something. And to think for a moment that this wasn't going to be a trip I was going to look forward to.

》Matt's POV《

Nash, Cameron and I found Aaron and Shawn in a supply closet. It wasnt hard because we were on our way to the elevator, we walked by a door where all we ard was talking and laughing. Nash was the one who found them, really, I was texting Nicole, and Camron was peering over my shoulder, trying to find where the others were. After Nash found Aaron and Shawn, he announced it to the group.

We invited Aaron and Shawn to help us find the other groups, which they accepted. We started, again, on our way to the elevator.

"Hey, since they can hide anywhere in the hotel, shouldn't we split up, to make it go by faster?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, who wants what floor?" Nash responded.

"I'll take the ground level," I said. There were going to be a lot of people in the lobby, which is excelentent place to hide.

"I call second floor," Shawn said.

"Third," Cameron.

"Fourth," Nash.

"I call fifth," Aaron said.

"We're already on the fifth floor, stupid." Cameron laughed.

"I knew that, I ment sixth, "

We all got on to the elevator, going up first.

"Alright, get out soldier, and don't dissapoint me!" Cam joked, and saluted

"Sir yessir!" Aaron exclaimed and copied Cam, walking out of the elevator.

*Authors Note*

Damn! You guys are awesome! Love you all! Two chapters as promised. The next one will be up a little later though. Keep reading, voting, and sharing! If I get 100 reads on each chapter, expect more updates even sooner!

Love you all!


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